Special thanks to my good friend Salty Dog for all his help with this Applet and the ones on the following pages. Without his expertise none of this could have been acomplished.

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This applet I credit to Fabio Ciucci...right click on it for credits.


Beware of Cat!

Email: lilli2@hotmail.com

Last Edited: February 1, 2009

Link graphics courtesy of:


A sincere "Thank You" to David Griffiths for the use of his Lake Applet

Many great graphics on these pages were borrowed from the following places:

Most of the following places no longer exist, however I would still like to give credit to the people who so graciously shared their graphics.

I have gotten graphics from so many places, that I couldn't even begin to list them all. I have tried to give credit where I could, but if you see something I need to give someone credit for, please email me and I'll credit them immediately.

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