Winter(s) Resources

I'll be listing as many Winter(s) resources on this page as I can find, (such as web pages, newsletters, databases, mailing lists, etc.), but I need your help. If you have any Winter(s) (and variations) on your web site, or know of any that aren't listed here, please let me know and I will happily list them.

(Please also send me an update if your URL changes so those who wish to see if they can make a link to your Winter(s) will be able to find you.  Thank you very much!) :-)

(If anyone finds  broken link, please let me know so I can remove it.)

Winter(s) Web Page Links


Frederick Co., Maryland - Court Records 1794-1837
Jerri's WINTER Ancestors
Winter Family of Marion County, Indiana
Winter Genealogy
John and Gen Cole's Personal Page -- From Wynter to Winter

Charles Winter (1835-1900), Indian Territory
The Kelley & McDaniel Family Home Page - - This is  my Winter/Winters line Georrge Winter & Jacob
                                                                  Winter/Winters of MD through Elijah, & William Winters of Preston Co., WV.
The Carol Comp Home Page    This site lists my father, Oliver M. Winter and his ancestors back to the 1600-1700's
                                                      in Germany.
The Golden Falcon - - These boosks are now on Rootsweb.  Just type the name and it will come up.
                                       The "The Golden Falcon," written by Wendy Garcia nee Winter, (Vol. I) is a biography,
                                       genealogy and family history of Sir William Winter of Lydney Surveyor of the Navy and
                                       Master of the Ordnance to Edward VI, Philip & Mary and Elizabeth I and his brother George.
                                       of Dyrham. Treasurer of the Navy to Elizabeth I as well as other Winter families.  William
                                       & George were sons of John Winter, Clerk of the King's Ships to Henry VIII and Alice
                                      Tirry (descendants in America) descended from the family of Wych (Droitwich),
                                       Worcestershire.  Book II "The Golden Afternoon" is my own family history.

                                       It also contains a thorough research into the armigerous Winters of Huddington Gunpowder
                                       plotters etc) and our own family, one branch of which settled in Florida. We have helped
                                       several researchers and have unearthed  evidence to disprove myths which still exist.   It is
                                       very important to us to establish fact from fiction and help others which is why we put all
                                       our research on this website. We hope many will find it useful.


Genealogical Records of The Royer Family in America -- Winters are found on pgs 44 & 75 of his book.
Roots of Roane County, TN -- Major Moses Winters, (1760/70-1846)
WINTERS -- The Descendants of James Winters
Melanie's Home Page
Don Fauss' Home Page  - - My branch of the Moses Winters/Elizabeth Williams line, starting with James Ross Winters,
The Ancestors of Virginia Lisa Wells
My Winters Family

The Kelley & McDaniel Family Home Page - - This is  my Winter/Winters line Georrge Winter & Jacob
                                                                  Winter/Winters of MD through Elijah, & William Winters of Preston Co., WV.
Susan B. Winters and the Trek of the Winters Family
Antique Pictures for Sale (R-Z)  --  Lists a J.D. Winters.  Pic taken in KS and found in MO.
Coon / Winters Genealogy Homepage
Andi's Ancestors  --  John Conrad Winters, son of Heinrich and Anna Stich Winters
Winters: Decendants of Uriah Winters The family start in SC then on to GA, TN, AL, MS, AR and OK.
Susan B. Winters Crain & The Trek of the Winters Family - - Susan is a daughter of James Washington WWinters.
                                                 This is a large obituary about her and includes information about the Winters family.  The
                                                 Trek of the Winters family shows all of the cemeteries that the Winters were buried in in
                                                 Texas, or at least the main ones.  There is a Old Moulton Cemetery Deed from 1919 posted as
                                                 well as a photo of the Old Moulton Cemetery.
Winters Family, in Tennessee
Our Canadian Winters Family Tree
Descendants of Henrich Winters This Generation tree begins in 1669 in Germany and continues through to the 1900's in Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and othet staes.  There are many notes and stories.

Garner's Genealogy Greats

Winter(s) Query & Newsletter (Online--no longer active)

The Winter(s) Query & Newsletter was dedicated to Winter, Winters, and all variations. This was a free, monthly publication that I distributed via e-mail.  There were approximately 275 active subscribers who are located in several countries worldwide, such as, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Germany, and other places in Europe.  However, due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to discontinue it and no one was available to take it over.  I still have all of the back issues --- there are 39 newsletters, ranging from 25k to 50k each, all filled with queries and tidbits of interesting information.
They are all text files, and are best viewed in a fixed width format.
You can download the zipped file here.  Thank you for your interest.  I, and those who placed the queries, appreciate it!

Winter(s) Newsletter  (Offline)
This newsletter is put out by Bryan T. Winter. It's a quarterly publication that is chock full of information; printed on both sides and on acid free paper (or on floppy disk, however you prefer.)  The cost to receive is $15, and $5 per back issue. I am Very pleased with it! Most of his subscribers, if not all, are offline and could  be the link you've been looking for. Don't let this great Winter(s) resource slip by. To subscribe or request back issues, write to:

Winter(s) Mailing List
This mailing list is also dedicated to Winter, Winters and all variations. To subscribe to this mailing list in mail mode, write an e-mail to (or just click on) . To subscribe to this mailing list in digest mode, write an e-mail to (or just click on) With both addresses, put subscribe in the body of the message. Make sure it's spelled correctly and your signature line in turned off (or just delete it). The list owner is Dorinda and if need to reach her, you can e-mail here. This list is another great way to contact other Winter(s) researchers.
This page last updated on June 17, 2004

 Copyright © 1997 - 2004 Lora McIntosh All Rights Reserved.
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