<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/kanawhacannon/gone.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Noncommissioned Officers

Hale, John P. -- Captain
Jackson, Thomas E. -- Captain
Martin, A.S. -- Captain/Asst. Surg.
Blain, Randolph H. -- Sr. 1st Lt.
Davis, Thomas Jefferson -- 1st Lt.
Quarrier, W.A. -- 1st Lt.
Woods, Micajah -- Jr. 1st Lt.
Boak, Jacob S. -- Lt.
Gilmore, William D. -- Lt.
Welch, James Clark -- Lt.
Wortham, R. Beverly -- Sr. 2nd Lt.
Crist, William -- 2nd Lt.
Norton, Henry P. -- Jr. 2nd Lt.
Van Matre, David S. -- 2nd Lt.
Lampkin, Henry S. -- Ord. Sgt.
Rider, James W. -- QM Sgt.
Bannon, Martin -- Sgt.
Beach, Clifton -- Sgt.
Cohen, James O. -- Sgt.
Warren, Charles -- 2nd Sgt.
Monks, Thomas B. -- 3rd Sgt.
Hampton, John W. -- 5th Sgt.
Light, Andrew J. -- 6th Sgt.
Davidson, Henry -- Cpl.
Hale, Phillip W. -- Cpl.
McMullen, Charles -- Cpl.
Smith, John N. -- Cpl.
LeTulle, Lawrence -- 5th Cpl.
Nelson, John C. -- 5th Cpl.
Fergusson, Jefferson -- 6th Cpl.
Black, Jacob T. -- 1st Bugler
Parrott, Francis M. -- 2nd Bugler
Peary, James C. -- Artificer

Asberry, George Washington
Bane, Wythe Graham
Beasley, John P.
Black, Marshall R.
Bland, William
Boak, Jacob S.
Brown, James
Burroughs, Alexander
Carter, William
Chiddix, Eli
Childress, James H.
Clark, Timothy
Conley, Gordon
Cox, William E.
Crawford, Addison C.
Creasy, David F.
Dalton, John F.
Davidson, James M.
Davidson, William L.
Davis, Elijah G.
Dawson, E.S.
Dawson, John B.
Deskins, Stephen
Doss, Elias
Doss, Sampson
Dudley, George Washington
Edison, Henry
Elam, Alexander Hamilton
Evans, James M.
Fisher, Henry H.
Fitch, WilliamM.
Fitzgerald, John
Flynn, William
Fortner, Aaron Green
French, A.P.
Fugate, Reuben M.
Gardner, John M.
Geiger, George L.
Gilliland, William S.
Godby, Alexander Hamilton
Hall, Charles
Hall, George
Hall, Ira
Hammock, Lewis
Hanshaw, Richard M.
Harris, James D.
Heff, John
Henderson Thomas J.
Henning, Charles L.
Higginbotham, James Bane
Hodges, J.G.
Howard, James Oscar
Hudson, William H.
Hunter, John H.
Hutchinson, D.L.
Jackson, Charles
Jackson, Clarence L.
Jackson, J.
Jaco, John
Jones, James
Jordan, John W.
Kavanaugh, Q. or J.P.
Kent, John M.
Kipps, L.P.D.
Kyle, John William Henry
Lampkin, Edward W.
Lampkin, Wood P.
Legon, William S.
Lester, Uriah
Low, John B.
Lowder, Andrew Jackson
Lowder, George Washington
Mahan, John W.
Mahood, Alexander
Maloy, Thomas
Martin, James R.
McCleary, Patrick
McConnaha, Daniel S.
McGlamery, Rudolph
Meadows, Francis A.
Miller, Robert A.
Mitchell, George
Moomaw, Robert H.
Moon (or Noon) M.T.
Mustard, Estel C.
Mustard, John J.
Necessary, Oscar C.
Neff, John
Neil, John A.
Nelson, William L.
Nichols, Morgan N.
Norman, W.C.
Nye, John W.
Oakes, William
Owens, Francis Marion
Parker, David W.
Parsill, James
Parson, John
Patrick, John M.
Paul, Hezekiah
Pauley, Thomsas G.
Payne, Stephen
Poteet, Isaih
Price, Richard Pennington
Rhodes, Charles L.
Rhodes, John David
Rider, William H.
Risk, James
Rodgers, Francis Marion
Rodegers, John D.
Roser, Peter D.
Sadler, Henry
Sands, William J.
Sercy, William J.
Shanklin, James S.
Sherherd, Thompson R.
Shilling, William
Shrewsberry, Samuel
Shyrock, James Frederick
Smith, Jefferson
Smith, John N.
Smith, William H.
Stackhouse, John S.
Stafford, William
Starkey, G.M.
Templeton, William G.
Thayer, William Taylor
Thomas, William John
Thompson, Aca C.
Thompson, James A.
Thompson, John
Thompson, John
Thompson, L.P.
Thompson, T. Shepperd
Thompson, W.M.
Thorn, Micajah A.
Tickle, A.W.
Tickle, Lewis E.
Tombs, John
Troxell, Francis
Upton, Lewis
Van Matre, David S.
Vest, Floyd J.
Ward, John B.
Warren, Charles
Warner, Charles
Welch, James Clark
Whittaker, George Washington
Wilkinson, J.M.
Williams, Samuel C.
Williams, S.H.
Williams, W.J.
Wilson, J.N.B.
Witlock, William R.
Wood, John T.
Woods, Marcellus
Woods, Micajah
Woodyard, Ephraim B.
Wortham, R. Beverly
Young, Thomas Jefferson
* This is a partial list of the roster of 193 total members.
Anyone having information confirming other members of the Kanawha Artillery, please send name, rank and any other information to
CSA CANNON@aol.com.
Jackson's Kanawha Artillery
Click on Names in Blue
for Info