Ste. Genevieve Art Guild

Art and Ste. Genevieve have been synonymously related since the early 1930's. The charm of the small town along the banks of the Mississippi River appealed to such artists as Aimee Schweig, Jessie Rickly, Thomas Hart Benton, Bernard Peters, Matthew Ziegler, James Audubon and Rosco Misselhorn.

Art continues to thrive in Ste. Genevieve through the Ste. Genevieve Art Guild. Workshops with renowned artists James Godwin Scott, Al Agnew, Charles Rhinehard, Dr. Grant Lund, Doris Flavin, Margaret O'Brien, Marilyn Bradley and other noted artists are sponsored through the guild. The Ste. Genevieve Art Guild supports the fine art programs in the community through children's art shows and an art scholarship program. Artists of the Guild are regularly seen painting within the gardens of historic homes or along the picturesque streets of Ste. Genevieve. Concluding a year of demonstrations, workshops, and outdoor painting, the Guild annually hosts an art show in conjunction with the Ste. Genevieve Christmas Walk. Through the eyes and hands of local artists, art continues to flourish in Ste. Genevieve.

The theme of the 1998 Art Show and Sale is "Hidden Corners." The show will be held at 225 Market Street in Ste. Genevieve on December 5 & 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The Ste. Genevieve Art Guild meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. alternating months. The meetings are held in the Patke Room of the County Services Building at 2252 Market Street in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. Visitors are always welcome. Meetings for the remainder of 1998 are scheduled as follows:

August 26 - 6:30 p.m.  September 23 - 11:30 a.m.
October 28 - 6:30 p.m.  November 18 - 11:30 a.m.
December - no meeting

Ste. Genevieve Art Guild Members

Anita Alsup
Stencil Art
(573) 483-3211
Mary Andeline
(314) 274-3431
Sr. Borgia Fehlig, O.S.U.
(314) 337-2854
Jacque Brillos
(573) 883-5205
Pat Ferguson
Watercolor/Mixed Media
(314) 931-4205
Bette Geraghty
Watercolor/Mixed Media
(573) 883-7033
Betty Joggerst
Watercolor/Mixed Media
(573) 883-9065
Ellen Karl
(573) 883-2050
Anna Kirchner
Watercolor/Pen & Ink
(573) 543-2111
Janet Kraus
(314) 296-4615
Cloice Lindwedel
(314) 797-2925
Jo Rezny McCredie
Watercolor/Acrylic/Polaroid Transfer
(314) 296-8030
Kathy Nausley
(314) 937-6741
Lois Reese

(573) 749-3457
Rex Gary Schmidt
(573) 760-1694
Mary Jane Tellee
(314) 671-3590
Joan Thoms
(573) 483-9416
Virginia White
(573) 883-5334
Juanita Wyman
Colored Pencil
(314) 586-8517

The original watercolor displayed on this page is by Kathy Nausley, a member of the Ste. Genevieve Art Guild.


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