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Welcome to the world of Ham Radio


This site will contain some good radio related links, and as much about Ham Radio in Gaston County NC as I can find. The Gaston County Amateur Radio Society (GCARS) sponsors the 147.120 & 444.550 Repeaters located on Spencer Mountain just north of I-85 in Lowel NC. GCARS meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm in the community room located in the Eastridge Mall. GCARS also sponsors weekly Tuesday night nets on the 444.550 repeater at 8:30pm and on the 147.120 repeater at 9:00pm. GCARS also participates in the ARRL Field Day, assists with the Spencer Mountain road race, and sponsors VE test sessions.

Please feel free to drop by at one of our meetings, check into one of our nets, or just get on one of the repeaters say hello and chat awhile.

For more info or comments

mail2.gifTom Holley WY2B

Come back soon...
