"The Entertainer"
"What Is A Snowshoe Siamese?"
HISTORY Originally, the Snowshoe resulted from crossing Siamese, or Oriental Shorthairs, with
American Shorthairs. Today Snowshoes generally result from Snowshoe to Snowshoe
breedings. Any of the three breeds are legal, and acceptable out crosses, provided they are the
right color. Some breeders may wish to out cross in order to expand their gene pool, introduce
new colors, or improve certain traits within their lines.
Snowshoe Cats trace their origins back to Dorothy Hinds Daughtery of Kensijng Cattery in
Philadelphia, PA. During the late 1960's her two Siamese cats produced three kittens with
striking white feet. Because of the white feet, they were give the name Snowshoes. The
popularity and gene pool of the Snowshoes has been increasing, greatly due to the early efforts
of breeders, Jim Hoffman, Georgia Kuhnell, Vikki Olander, and Phyllis Thompson. These
breeders recognized the unique beauty of the Snowshoe and insured it's survival. Since, their
has been copy cats of the breed, but none are as enduring andtrue. Currently the Snowshoe is
enjoying increasing popularity, through out the country and parts or the world.
An Ideal Companion!
The Snowshoe Cat sparkles with intelligence. Sometimes a talker, it's voice
is generally soft and melodic. Affectionate, it is an ideal companion and
habitats well with other animals. Snowshoes love to be around their people.
They will follow family members around the house. They love running water
and many can be taught to fetch. Because snowshoes are so gregarious, they
should not spend long periods of time alone. They need company. Snowshoes
are a vigorous breed. They are not known for any potential health problems.
Snowshoes are vibrant and alert, active but not high strung. Because they
are not bred toward any extremities, the cats have remained healthy. Kept
indoors, Snowshoes will remain playful and happy for many years.
The Snowshoe is a pointed cat with white markings on its face, chest,
stomach and feet. A medium to large cat, the Snowshoe combines power
and agility in a well-balanced, muscular body that is medium boned and
heavily built. Bright blue eyes complement the cat's distinctive Lone
Ranger mask and delicate white feet.
All patterns and colors: Definite contrast between body, point colors and white pattern areas. Overall appearance predominates
shape and detail of patterns.
Chin may be white, point color or combination of white and point color. A white bib on the chest area or collar around the neck
area is normal as is white on the stomach area.
Nose leather may be white, point color, flesh tone or mottled. White shoe pattern; front legs, toes only to mid-leg area; back legs,
toes only to mid-thigh area. In the even of a tie, pattern shape and detail may be used as a deciding factor to break the tie.
Mitted only, all colors: Muzzle may be point color only or any facial pattern excepting a full or partial inverted "V". White patterns
may not exceed one-third of the cat's overall color.
Higher white is more objectionable than lower white. Transfer to bicolor if white pattern exceeds mitted limits and/or white facial
pattern resembles a full or partial inverted "V".
Bicolor only, all colors: White facial pattern which resemblesa full or partial inverted "V". White patterns may not exceed
two-thirds of the cat's overall color. Transfer to mitted if pattern does not resemble full or partial inverted "V".
Pointed solid and white patterns.
Points: All solid eumelanistic colors. Dense and clearly defined; connected to the ears by tracings; even shading.
Patterns: White.
Body: Even coloration, subtle shading to point color on back, shoulders and hips; toning to a lighter shade near chest and stomach.
Paw pads: May be white, point color, flesh tone, or mottled.
Shape: Broad modified wedge with slightly rounded contours;almost as wide as it is long.
Length: Medium.
Size: Medium, in proportion to body.
Profile: Even planes separated by a slight stop at the bridge of the nose creating two distinct planes.
Muzzle: Of good length, neither extremely broad nor pointed nor square.
Muzzle Break: Slight, gentle contour.
Top of Head: Slightly rounded.
Forehead: Slightly flat.
Cheekbones: Set high, gentle contours.
Chin: Firm.
Shape: Broad at the base, slightly rounded tips.
Size: Medium to medium large, in proportion to body.
Set: Alert, continuation of modified wedge; forward from outside of head.
Furnishings: Sparse.
Shape: Oval, with greater length than width.
Size: Medium, in proportion to head.
Placement: Slanted to the base of the ears; one width apart; not protruding.
Color: Blue.
Miscellaneous: Bright, sparkling, expressive.
Length: In proportion to body.
Shape: Semi-foreign, long and firm but not extreme. Body, legsand feet fit into a rectangle.
Size: Medium.
Length: Medium, rectangular.
Boning: Medium.
Musculature: Medium, not delicate, well-knit, powerful but not bulky.
Back: Rump slightly higher than shoulders.
Miscellaneous: Well-balanced overall, well-built, powerful, agile; no extremes.
Shape: Medium at base, slightly tapering to the end.
Length: In proportion to the body.
Length: Good length, in proportion to body.
Boning: Medium.
Musculature: Medium, in proportion.
Shape: Oval tips.
Size: Medium, in proportion to body.
Length: Short to medium short.
Undercoat: No noticeable undercoat.
Texture: Smooth.
Miscellaneous: Close-lying, seasonal changes to be considered.
Overall: Healthy, vibrant, alert.
Body and legs: Firm and muscular, with no indication of fat or emaciation. An appearance of good health and vitality. When lifted,
the cat should have heft.
Eyes: Bright, sparkling and alert.
Overall: The Snowshoe should be a well-balanced cat with all parts in good proportion to each other; no one part more extreme
than the other.

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