Oglesby Genealogy Family History

Hello! This page is being created in honor of my dad.  He started researching his family background a few years ago and he recently passed away at a young age.  I am picking up where he left off and hope to gain more information as this page develops.  I hope that anyone who has information concerning the family history of the Oglesby family from Georgia will send me the information they have.  If anyone also has family photo's, I'd be grateful to also see them or even acquire them.

 Millidge L. Oglesby & Mary A. Jenkins     Solomon Oglesby & Rebecca Mozel Mock  Raymond Walton Oglesby & Lena H. Newton
Woodrow Wilson Oglesby & Marion Sibet McCarty  Oglesby Message Board   Genealogy Links 
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Last Updated in May, 1999 by ^Shumardi