Quadrangle Stake is definately difined as you need to know in which direction that you are going!!

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Quadrangle is an event that is quite a bit of fun, once you get the hang of it. It is ran in Gymkhana and Playdays.

To explain a little something about running patterns, there is one stipulation that needs to be brought forth, and that is that some horses make left or right turns better than they do the other one. Remember one thing that is important to have good running times, when you are starting your run, make sure your horse is at full speed before you enter the timing line and don't start to stop your horse until you have crossed the timing line at the finish. The disqualifications for speeds events are inforced if you go off pattern or fall off your horse. There are time penalities if you knock down a barrel or pole, which most of the time is two seconds added on your existing time.

Well Quadrangle pretty much explains itself as far as to what the position of the poles are. It is quite similiar to the Birangle Stake, but it's times two. There is 4 poles set in a square pattern that you have to go around. Okay now for a left turning horse, You want to start out by going to the top right pole and make a right hand turn at the pole, you then run across to the top left pole and make another right hand turn. You then run diagonally across through the timing line to the bottom right pole and make a left hand turn at the pole. Then you proceed to run straight across to the left bottom pole and make another left hand turn. And then you proceed to head back up to the top poles to go through the timing line.

For the right hand turning horse you would want to start out by running to the left top pole and making a left hand turn at the pole. You would then run straight across to the top right pole and proceed to make another left turn. Then you would come diagonally across through the timing line to the bottom left pole and proceed to make a right turn around the pole and then run straight across to the bottom right pole and make another right turn and you would then head back through the timing line heading towards the top poles.

Please keep in mind that the speed of each horse varies and whenever you are running a speed event, you run it at you and your horse's capabilities. Please remember to take caution to keep you from getting hurt and from your horse from getting hurt also or going lame.

And please one more thing for safety precautions, please wear a helmet to secure safety on your behalf.

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