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by Roberto Asioli


Kolob is the planet that presides and governs all

the planets that belong to the same galaxy

that the earth belongs too.

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I Know you've been surfing for a long time on the cyberspace to arrive here; you've crossed  hundreds of  useless web-sites, and met people so insignificant that have offered you nothing good, nor worthwile and have asked you to visit  their web-sites and click on their sponsors. At times it seems you find something useful, yet, in turning the page you've realized how   disappointing they are, the usual cyber-silliness, the usual chat-rooms. Here you will not find any of these things.

Now, for a few minutes, sit tight and listen to the music and be prepared to discover important truths about yourself, but above all, be prepared to face a long cyber-journey to the eternal residence of your Creator, where no pain , no obscurity, and no death exists, where everything is light (the light of   intelligence which gives life to every being of the universe).

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The first stage of your journey will be the world of the pre-existence where the eternal part of yourself was joined to the spirit which was given to you from the Gods; then you will go down on the earth where you will have to face some tests and learn important principles of  truth, principles that will allow you to obtain salvation in the kingdoms of glory.

This is a crucial test, in fact, the way in which you  face these trials on  earth,  will determine the world in which you'll live for the eternities.

Then one day, you will die and  continue your journey in the world of the spirits. Here the chances to grow will decrease and you will see the consequences of your actions on the earth.

After you've passed through the world of the spirits, you will join all mankind to be assigned  in a kingdom of glory.

Your final goal is to return to the presence of your Creator; in fact..... happiness is the return of everything to it's beginning....and this is the purpose of your life..." being prepared to meet your God".

Now, you will have to discover by yourself many important things about this journey, so do not hesitate to plunge yourself into the pre-existence.

the pre-existence

the earth

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the world of the spirits 

the kingdoms of glory

the kingdom of God on the earth

the plain of salvation

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I wish you a good journey and beware the Leviathan !!!!


Webmaster is Roberto Asioli,

Rimini, ITALY