This is a brand new category! Below you'll find heirloom tips, techniques, and ideas. But this is only the beginning! Please check back periodically as I add more items of interest to all of you heirloom sewists. Don't forget to send in those tips - If YOU have a tip you'd like to share just email me!
Submitted by: Adele
When embellishing your garment or sewing project, pintucks make a nice addition without adding much cost. First, starch your fabric lightly, loosen the top tension slightly on your sewing machine. You'll need to use cotton thread in the top and a poly/cotton lingerie thread in the bobbin for heirloom garments. Also, the twin needles comes in different sizes. You may want to try a couple of different needle sizes because the fabric content will affect your final results. Play with the stitches to find the look you like and then embellish away...
(Thanks Adele!)
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