Link to Butterfly Island
Adopted from and Linked to the "Home of the Island Princess"

YEAR 2000

"The Very Thought Of You" *
* midi courtesy Mr. Robert Mace

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Joy - 12/23/00
Waterbury, Connecticut USA
My URL:http://joyredeemed.homestead.com/homepage.html
My Email:joyredeemed@hotmail.com

Comment: I can tell throughout this page how much you loved your wife. It is a blessing to be able to share that kind of love that is true and pure. Thank you so much for sharing and letting the world know that true love is possible. God Bless! ~~JOY~~

Katherine Guzman - 12/17/00
Chile South America
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/kattheryn.geo/
My Email:kgcanachi@usa.net

Comment: Hi! Congratulations on your great site!! Great job! I was here earlier today but had to go out ... I'm home now and have just gone over every last bit of your site which is truly inspiring and if there were more people like you this world would be a better place ... God bless the both of you ... Come by anytime :)

Susan Murray - 12/13/00
Tempe, Arizona USA
My Email:Sassy4011@webtv.net

Comment: May God be with you always.

Viv Carson - 12/12/00
Beldon, Australia
My Email:Vcarson@bigpond.com

Comment: Beautiful thoughts of one loved so much from only one who could care as much. Will visit here again. Viv.

Sherry Marshall-Tromatore - 12/11/00
Abita Springs, Louisiana USA
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sherrytrom/index.html
My Email:sherrytrom@aol.com

Comment: I absolutely LOVE your site dedicated to your wife. I am just crying and crying. I always like to visit the memorial sites for the ones we have lost. I too have lost so many of my loved ones. My children and fiancee died in 1990 in a car accident after being run over by an 18 wheeler. At this moment I still feel as if it has just happened! Somehow God just gives me peace and after sometimes gutwrenching pain, He again heals me until I can go on.

Brenda - 12/11/00
West Virginia USA
My Email:coalminrsdaughtr@hotmail.com

Comment: This was beautiful! Loved the sounds of the birds too. I am also a gardener and love it more than anything.

Eileen Routt - 11/18/00
My Email:Gapatx@aol.com

Comment: Your love for your wife is so evident by the words you speak and the poetry written for her and about her. The love put into this has touched my heart and the heart of my daughter, Tonya, and I also wanted you to know how much my husband and I appreciated your words for her. We are truly proud of her work, of her strength, her courage, and her convictions. God bless you and your family and keep you safe until that day when you will all be together again as a family in God's home. Sincerely, Eileen Routt

Tonya - 11/18/00
Denham Springs, Louisiana USA
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/tonya1025_99/
My Email:Tonya1025@aol.com

Comment: Oh John...your site has become such a wonderful and inspiring place to find solace. Your wife, Arline lived a wonderful life with you. She has had the best of both worlds. Love like yours comes along once in a great while. She must be so proud of you, the way you have shared her memory with the world. God bless you John. I am honored to know a man such as yourself. Love, Tonya

Dan Bridge - 11/13/00
Azusa, California USA
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/danbridge
My Email:danbridge@hotmail.com

Comment: Howdy! This here's a mighty fine home page y'all got goin on. I truly enjoyed my visit. Especially the background music. Much obliged for sharin (tips hat and smiles).

Myrna - 11/13/00
Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
My Email:Roses N Snow

Comment: You will never know how much your site touched me. I lost my Mom, she had always had Jenny Wrens as long as I can remember in her garden, I was making her famous fruitcake that first Christmas without her, there on a branch was a Jenny Wren looking in the window at me, we don't have wrens here in the winter, I DID! God Bless you till you meet your Beloved again.

Denny Lancaster - 10/22/00
Mobile, Alabama USA
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~denny99
My Email:denny99@dibbs.net

Comment: Thank you for allowing me to visit your wonderful web home during our Heartland Golden Heart award review. My heart was touched, my soul uplifted, and I hopefully am a better person as a result of my visit. Little do each of us know how, when, or where a visitor may truly enrich our lives through a random visit. If only we would stay awhile and gleen words of wisdom and encouragement from the web site author. I have stayed, have gleened wisdom and thank you very much my friend.

laaadybug - 10/19/00
Oklahoma USA
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/laaadybug
My Email:laaadybug@yahoo.com

Comment: I was searching the net for comfort when I found your page. I have not lost a spouse, but someone as close to a spouse as I ever want to get. I lost my best friend at the young age of 32. Your pages and writings gave me that comfort I was looking for. You have done a beautiful job and I know she smiles as she watches over you. God Bless

Sonnie - 10/19/00
Florida USA
My Email:skmbd@aol.com

Comment: A beautiful love story....thank you for sharing.

Barbara - 10/15/00
Virginia USA
My Email:ladywhip2000@yahoo.com

Comment: I've never seen anything so beautiful. We've all lost a lot along the way. Life goes on, they tell me.

Ann - 10/09/00
My Email:AnnaHappy@angelscloud.com

Comment: Wonderful, thank you for a nice visit into what love is for you. Your site is fabulous and lends serenity to each page that I visited... God bless you and keep you well.

Denny Lancaster - 10/05/00
Mobile, Alabama USA
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~denny99
My Email:denny99@dibbs.net

Comment:NOTE: The comment left by Mr.Lancaster is in the form of a poem and beautiful graphic. The poem deeply touched the heart of this sites owner. With his permission I have moved both to a page of my website. Clicking here will take you to his comforting words.

Lee - 07/03/00
Long Island, New York USA
My Email:Lks04@aol.com

Comments: A beautiful memory and I am sure that she is very proud of you and may you keep her in your heart forever....

Zendie - 06/14/00

Comment: What can I say? Been there, done that, Couldn't express it ... thank you for finding a way ... and thank the Lord for giving us precious memories with love so warm we can still feel it after all these years. God Bless you and fill your needs.

malgorzata - 05/06/00
My Email:moosegrass@aol.com

Comments: What a creation! My hats off to you. It is so sweet of you. Malgorzata

Geoff - 05/04/00
My Email:megageoff@hotmail.com

Comment: Your wife will be smiling down at this. Sounds like your partnership's eternal!

Pat - 04/05/00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~PatStaten/home.html

Comment: What a beautiful memorial you have created to keep your lovely gardener alive. Gardener is such a perfect description for a wife, mother and grandmother who fulfilled all her roles here on earth. She did not leave you alone, she left you with a wonderful family she helped you create to comfort you. But so many times even they can not comfort you in your loss.

Veronica Kerperien-Robinson - 04/05/00
Flint, Michigan USA
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/rareearthwoman/
My Email:VKerperien_robin@hotmail.com

Comment: You have made a nice little memorial garden for your wife. I am sorry for your loss.

Ron Greib - 04/03/00
My URL:http://www.christiantraditions.com
My Email:rgreib@yahoo.com

Comment: You have a wonderful web site! God bless you!

Laurel - 02/29/00
Michigan USA
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/Aplaceofmyown/index.html
My Email:laurel@i2k.com

Comment: What a wonderful tribute to your late wife. I hope time brings you inner peace and that knowledge gives you the hope to carry on until you see your wife again. Do not live a lonely, sad life... live a life she would be envious of! May God grant you harmony and love. You are a lucky man to have such a beautiful family.

Regina Manness - 02/02/00
Victorville, California USA
My Email:pioneerforchrist@aol.com

Comment: Dear John thanks for inviting me by to visit this beautiful memorial garden for your special lady, your wife. I was so touched by the work you have done on this site. I know your love for her was great, I know she is very proud of you and all you have done in her memory. Keep in touch, hope the pain is easing. One great day John we will all meet on that beautiful shore in heaven. I will keep you and yours in my prayers. God Bless

Regina Manness - 02/01/00
Victorville, California USA
My Email:pioneerforchrist@aol.com

Link to Angels Online
Entry from Angels Online site

Comment: Dear Mr. Matheson, my heart goes out to you and your family. It sounds like you and your wife had a beautiful once in a life time relationship. I think God is using your wife to plant pretty flowers in heaven. God Bless and grant you peace. Regina

Mary Ann - 01/23/00
New York, New York USA
My Email:CamiAmelia@aol.com

Comment: Oh, John, what a wonderful website! And how even more wonderful that you have created such a tribute to your dearly departed wife. Each picture, each poem, each snapshot of you and your family, each lovely melody shows all the love and care that went into it. Although Catholic, I am not the most religious person in the world, but just being here for the few moments it took to visit the wonderful garden you have created has given me inspiration. You have made a great difference in my life, John, at a time when I am at a low personal point in my life. I will now try to go on and live each minute to the fullest -- thank you. Love, Mary Ann

Nancy Polanski - 01/16/00
New York USA
My Email:Parkdale148@aol.com

Comment: What a lovely visit to your garden.. Thank you for sharing her with me.

Sr. Beatrice - 01/04/00
Homestead, Pennsylvania USA
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/SpiritCir/srbea/index.html
My Email:srbeadriscoll@hotmail.com

Comment: This is a very beautiful and God inspired site. I know you must make Jesus smile...you made me smile too...even with your Email name...Muggsy was my Son's nickname growing up. :) God Bless you and yours, Sr. Bea

Joseph Provencial - 01/02/00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Cliffs/7080/poems.htm

Comment: I really enjoyed my visit to your wonderful website. God Bless

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