Aircraft from Aviano AB (1960's)

I spent a number of 30 day Temporary Duty (TDY) tours at Aviano Air Base Italy between April 1967 & March 1969.  These are some photos of that era at Aviano.

F100D-Aviano1a.jpg (39508 bytes)

F100D with mountains in background (above)

F100D-Aviano-bw2.jpg (35036 bytes) F100F-Aviano-bw1.jpg (46074 bytes)

              F100D                                                 F100F (2 seater)

F100D-Aviano-bw3.jpg (24515 bytes)  C124-Aviano-bw1.jpg (44248 bytes)

                F100D                                                     C124
                                                    (Big, slow but comfortable 2 decker)

C124-Aviano-bw2.jpg (35156 bytes)

C124 (how we traveled in '67)

T33-Aviano.jpg (33768 bytes)

T33 Trainer with great view of mountains in background

Click here for more F100 photos.

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Photo source US Air Force - Aviano AB website