Will of Robert SWINDELL
In the name of God Amen. I Robert SWINDELL of the state of North
Carolina and County of Hyde being weak in body but of sound and
disposing mind and memory blessed be God. Do make publish and declare
this instrument of wrighting to contain my last will and testament
(Viz first I recomend my soul into the hands that gave it and my body
to be buried in Christian like maner and whats worldly estates it hath
been please God to blys me with I devise and dispose in the following
manner. First I linds to by beloved wife Sally SWINDELL the one half
of my plantation where I now live with all the privilidges thare to
belongging during her natural life. I also lind her by horse and
rocking chair and one bed and furniture her chair and all the kitchen
furniture and my horse cart ______ _____ negro woman by the of mosearr
and one Linen Wheal the above land given to my wife at her dicease I
give to my son Oliver SWINDELL the half of my chairs in the house. I
give to my wife. Item 2 I give and bequeath to my son W. G. SWINDELL
one bed and furniture and one trunk. Item 3 I give and bequeath to my
son Emmery SWINDELL one bed and furniture. Item 4 I give and bequeath
to my daughter Mahala SWINDELL one bed and furniture and one trunks
and one Linen Wheal. Item 5 I give and bequeath to me daughter
Prifsilla SWINDELL one bed and furniture and one linen wheal. Item I
give to my son Samuel SWINDELL one bead and furniture and one chest.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Thomas D. SWINDELL one feather bed
and furniture and one negrowoman by the name Moreaer after the
dicease of my wife and one hundred dollars in cash. Item I decree
that out of the crop and ______ myy wife and family shall have one
years support and the use of my hose mill. So long as they keep her
up in good order. Item all the above property lots of to my wife
Sally SWINDELL. Viz the beds and furniture _____and chare kitchen
furniture and chares and horse carts at her decease I give to my son
Oliver SWINDELL. Item all my plantation and maeunical? and
blacksmiths tooles I give in manner as follows to be equilly devided
between my wife Sally SWINDELL and W. G. SWINDELL, Emmery SWINDELL and
Oliver SWINDELL, Samuel SWINDELL and Thomas SWINDELL and Elisabeath
Swaim and Mahala SWINDELL and Pryscla SWINDELL. I also constitute and
appoint by wife Sally SWINDELL and my son W. E. SWINDELL my Ecetrin
and Ececutor. To this my last will and testament in witness where of
I have here unto set my hands and seal this seventeenth day of April
Robert SWINDELL (seal)
in prisince of
Heremiah Farrow
May term 1823
Hyde CJ Sr The last will and testament of Robert SWINDELL was
produced in court and proved by the oath of Jeremiah Farrow a witness
thereto and ordered to be recorded. ___B. Iarpirch
recorded in book 7 page 447
Copy of Will
In the name of God amen. I Isaac SWINDELL of the state of North
Carolina and County of Hyde being in perfect heath of body and of
sound mind and memory thanks be to the God for the same calling unto
mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all
men a nec to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament
revising and disumelling all other former testaments will leguies or
ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and
testament and or ____ my wordly estate where with it hath pleased God
to fless me with in this life I dispose of it in the manner and form
following - - - -
Item I give and bequeath to me beloved wife Eleanor SWINDELL all my
rea lestate of lands and movables and the profits insuing therefrom
during her life observing of my said wife to pay the following
legucies to the children when they come to lawful age: Item I leave to
my son Isaac SWINDELL one hundred acres of land between Jaab Deniels
and Joseph SWINDELL and one feather bed.
Item I leave to my son William SWINDELL two Nuinde? of one hundred
acres land lying on the other side of eth lake by the name of
Fleans?bay paint and one feather bed.
Item I leave to my three sons Joel Swindeall and Lilis and Josiah
SWINDELL one certain piece or parcil of land lying between William
??mers and Tho??casstom to be equally divided between them the said
Joel, Lilas and Josiah SWINDELL at their coming of age and also a
feather bed apiece to my said three sons, Joel, Lilis and Josiah at
their becoming of age.
Item Leave to my Daughter Bithany SWINDELL one feather bed and
beadstid and one cow and calf.
Item all the remainder of my movable estate after my wife's death to
be equally divided amongst all my sons and daughters. I also
constitiz and pledge my wife Eleanor SWINDELL and Isaac SWINDELL
executors to this my last will and testament. I ______
_____________.I have here unto lift my hand and seal this sixthteenth
day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety three.
Signed Sealed and delivered
in the pressance of us
Isaac SWINDELL (seal) John Selby James Mayo
Copy of Will
State of North Carolina
Hyde County
In hte name of God amen.
Be it know to all persons that on the tenth day of June in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and swenty eight I John Swindeell
Jr. of the state and county aforesaid and _____ sound disposing mind
and memory at this time do make this my last will and testament. And
further be it known that I gove and bequeath to my wife Jennett
Swindol one mahoggany table and liquor case two beds and furniture
three cows and calves and all other property which belongs to me that
is not named in the above named articles. I also leave my wife
Jennett Swindol by executria to my last will and testament. In
witness whereoff I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the
day and year above mentioned. Signed and sealed in the presence of A
B. Swindol and Henn Carrow
John Swindel (seal)
Copy of will.
Executors: I give so much of my goods and chattles as will pay all my
debtors I doe of right due to any person. Son Isaac: I give one
hundred acres of land being the first acres of this tract where on I
now doe live and all my part of that land lying on the south side of
the lake with one horse or more and one gun and one bed and furniture.
Son Jospiah: I gvie on hundred acres of land, as by Deed Direced.
Son Jesse: I give one hundred acres of land, as by Deed Directed.
Son Jospeh: I give one hundred acres of land, as by Deed Directed,
with one cow and calf. Wife Rebacker: I give the house and
plantation where I now live with fifty acres of land to be hirs during
her natural life and at her deceas to fall to by son Joel, to him and
his ares forever, with one Cow and calf and one horse or mare. Son
Jobe: I give one cow and calf and one horse or mair and one gun.
Son John: I give one cow and calf and one horse or mair and one gun.
Duaghter Ruth: I give one cow and claf and one bed and furnetude.
Daughter Rachal: I give one cow and calf and one bed and furnetude.
Son Jonathan: I give one cow and calf. All the rest of my worly
estate, within and without, shall be equielly devided between my wife
and my three youngest sons. Executors: Son Isaac and Son Josiah.
3 April 1775
Copy of Will
State of North Carolina
Hyde County
I Annmarah SWINDELL of the county of Hyde and State of North Carolina
being of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of my
earthly existence, do make and declare this my last will and testament
in manner and form following, that is to say:
First - That my executor (herein after named) shall provide for my
body a decent burial, suitable to the wishes of my relations and
friends and pay all funeral expenses, together with my just debts,
howsoever and to whom se ever owing, our of the moneys that may
first come into his hands as a part or parcel of my estate.
Item: I give and devise to my eldest-son Cason E. SWINDELL twenty five
acres of land adjoinging Samuel Spencers land, to have and to hold to
him his heirs in fee simple forever.
Item: I give and devise to my son Thomas M. SWINDELL twenty five
acres of land on the south siade of the road runing to the Lake and in
the East corner of the farm adjoining seth Gibbs Joseph Young heirs
and Daniel Neal it being that part where on he now lives to have and
to hold to him his heirs in fee simple forever.
Item: AI give and devis to my daughter Emeline W. SWINDELL the
remainder of my land together with the buildings where I now live to
be twenty five acres more or less. My will further is that my
daughter Emeline W. SWINDELL at my death shall have all of my personal
property, the said land she is have and to hold to her heirs in fee
simmmple forever.
Item I give my three children an equal privilege to the timber for the
purpose of building and fencing until the land where on the said
timber grows is cleared, also an equal privilege in the ditch and road
runing to the lake.
And lastly I so hereby constitute and appoint by trusty friend, Cason
E. SWINDELL, my lawful executor to all intents and purposes, to
execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent
and mearning of the same and every parr and clause there of hereby
revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by
me heretofor made.
In witness where of I the said Annmariah SWINDELL do hereunto set my
hand and seal this the 2nd day of Sept. AD 1869.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Annmariah SWINDELL to
be her last will and testament in the presence of us who at her
request and in her presence do subscribe our names as witness there
John J. Fulford
Joby S. Gibb
Copy of Will
In the name of God, I Elizabeth SWINDELL of Hyde County , State of
North Carolina, being in feable health, but of sound & disposing mind
and memory, considering the uncertainty of this life and its shorings
at best, do make and ordain and publish this my last will and
testament in manner and form following Viz: I give and devise to
Stephen Williamson my friend, the north half=part of all my land,
whereon I now live with all the tenements, hereditamients, rights &
privileges thereon or thereinto belonging or in any wise appertaining,
in fee simple, forever. Also I give & beqieath to said Stephen all my
person property of every description whatever including household &
kitchen furniture.
Item 2 I give and devise in fee simple forever to my grandson Joshua
V. SWINDELL the south half part of all my land whereon I now live
together with all the rights privileges 7 appertenances thereto
belonging or appertaining.
And lastly I nominte and appoint & constitute my friend Jephtha Rose
of Hyde County my lawful executor to all intents & purposes to
execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent &
meaning of the same & every part there of hereby revoking and
declaring void all other wills 7 testaments by me heretofore made. In
writings where of I hereto set my hand & seal this 8th day of February
AD 1855.
Signed Sealed & declared by said Elizabeth to be her last will &
testament in our presence who at her request & in her presence do
subscribe our names and witness ther __attest Arnold Gray can't read
other signature
Copy of Will
In the name of God amen. I Isaac SWINDELL of the state of North
Carolina and County of Hyde being in perfect heath of body and of
sound mind and memory thanks be to the God for the same calling unto
mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all
men a nec to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament
revising and disumelling all other former testaments will leguies or
ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and
testament and or ____ my wordly estate where with it hath pleased God
to fless me with in this life I dispose of it in the manner and form
following - - - -
Item I give and bequeath to me beloved wife Eleanor SWINDELL all my
rea lestate of lands and movables and the profits insuing therefrom
during her life observing of my said wife to pay the following
legucies to the children when they come to lawful age: Item I leave to
my son Isaac SWINDELL one hundred acres of land between Jaab Deniels
and Joseph SWINDELL and one feather bed.
Item I leave to my son William SWINDELL two Nuinde? of one hundred
acres land lying on the other side of eth lake by the name of
Fleans?bay paint and one feather bed.
Item I leave to my three sons Joel Swindeall and Lilis and Josiah
SWINDELL one certain piece or parcil of land lying between William
??mers and Tho??casstom to be equally divided between them the said
Joel, Lilas and Josiah SWINDELL at their coming of age and also a
feather bed apiece to my said three sons, Joel, Lilis and Josiah at
their becoming of age.
Item Leave to my Daughter Bithany SWINDELL one feather bed and
beadstid and one cow and calf.
Item all the remainder of my movable estate after my wife's death to
be equally divided amongst all my sons and daughters. I also
constitiz and pledge my wife Eleanor SWINDELL and Isaac SWINDELL
executors to this my last will and testament. I ______
_____________.I have here unto lift my hand and seal this sixthteenth
day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety three.
Signed Sealed and delivered
in the pressance of us
Isaac SWINDELL (seal) John Selby James Mayo
Copy of Will
I Caleb SWINDELL of the State of North Carolina and County of Hyde
being of purfect mind and memory thanks be given to God for the same
Calling to mind the mortality of my Body knowing that it is appointed
for all men once to die Do make and ordain this my last Will and
Testament. Viz: primipally and first of all I give and Recommend my
Soul into the hands of almighty God that gave it and my Body. I
Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a plain Christian manner by my
Excurtors And as Touching such Worldly Estate where with it hath
pleased God to gless me with I give demise and dispose of the same in
the following manner and form. I Give & Bequeath unto my Beloved Wife
Mary after my Debts are paid all my Estate both Rail and personal
during her Widowhood life, and after the experation of her Widowhood I
Give all my Land to my Youngest Son Pledge, and all the rest of my
personal Estate to my other four Children Namely Jean, Nunna, Abram
and Caleb SWINDELL. Further more I ordain, and appoint my trusty
friend William Harris & my Beloved Wife Mary Excutors to this my last
Will and Testament and do hereby utterly disallow Revoke and Disannul
all and every other form Testament, Wills Legars by me in any wise
before made Named, Willed, and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming
this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness where
of I have here unto Set my hand and Seal. This Tenth day of February
One Thousand Eight Hundred and five Signed Sealed & declared in the
presents of us
Joseph Cutrell
George Williams
Caleb SWINDELL (Seal)
Copy of Will
State of NOrth Carolina Hyde County
In the Name of God amen
I Valentine SWINDELL of the state and county of our lord being week of
bidy but of perfect mind and memory Calling to mind the Mortality of
my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die and
as to settling Such worldly Estats where with it hath Please god to
bless me with in the life I Give and despose of in the following
manner and fourm? viz/ I Give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Rebeca
SWINDELL my hole Estate duren her life after her Deth I Give and
bequeath unto my son Amasa SWINDELL Fifty acors of land ajoining his
fifty. The Rest of my plantion witch is one hundred acors of land I
Give and bequeath James W. SWINDELL My Son all the Rest to be ecuel
devided among my four daughters after my dets is paid. Lastly I
Constitut and appoint my dearly Beloved Wife my hole Ecutor to this my
Last will and testament. Ratifing this and only this to be my last
will and Testament. In witness Where of I have herein to Sid? my hand
and Seal this 23th day of July 1833. Signed Sealed and acknowledge In
presence of us
W. G. Harris
Valentine SWINDELL
Copy of Will
State of North Carolina, Hyde County
In the name of God Amen, Be it known that I William SWINDELL Sen. of
the State and County aforesaid, being weak in boy, But of strong and
sound mind and memory, do make and constitute this instrument of
writing my last will and testament, in manner and form hereafter
mentioned. It is my request that my Body should be buried in a
Christian like manner, emediately after my death, under the direction
of my Exectuors. As touching such property and What Estate,
Providence has blessed me with I give and despose of in the following
manner Viz-
Item - I give to my beloved wife Sally SWINDELL during her natural
life a piece of land, containing the buildings and all the profits
arising therefrom during her natural life Bounded as follows beginning
at a ditch near the Gabe Dwelling house, and running with the said
ditch eastwardly by the graveyeard to the line of Marcus SWINDELL,
then with his line and Daniel Shaws line of his Watson tract to said
Shaws leading ditch thence with his leading ditch to the beginning
also a privilege of firewood on any of my back or swamp lands also I
give to my beloved wife during her natural life the following negroes
Viz Levine, Rose and Little Nance, and all the House hold and Kitchen
furniture (excepting one bed stead and furniture) also Choice Horse
and Gig, three cows and calves one thousand Cypress rails in the
Popler ridge Swamp, and a competency for her one hars provisious.
Item - I give to my son Dixon SWINDELL and heirs and assigns forever,
Eight Acres of land on the Eastermost end of the land which I bought
of Josephus Wade, contained within the following bounds Viz Beginning
at the South east corner of said tract and running West until a North
Course to the back line & with the outlines to the first station will
include the eight acres aforesaid, also the land and plantation where
on I now live (excepting only the life estate of my beloved wife Sally
SWINDELL in that part thereof described above, also all my right title
and Interest of an undivided tract of land in John SWINDELL's 300 acre
pattent on the North Side of Mattamuskeet Lake all of the above
described pieces & tracts of land I give to my afores son Dixon
SWINDELL and his heirs forever. I also give to my aforesaid son Dixon
SWINDELL Two negroes Caswell and Anson to him & his heirs forever.
Item - I Give to my Two Sons William SWINDELL & Joseph SWINDELL The
tract of land which I bought of Josephus Wade (excepting Eight acres
to be taken off at the eastermost end of said tract which given to my
son Dixon SWINDELL as afore described, also the ___ half of the tracts
of land Joining Daniel Show & Marcus SWINDELL on the north, which I
bought of Cason Jones & wife & Cason Gibbs & joining the Bradly tract
of land, To them and their heirs forever (excepting a previlege of
fire wood for my wife as before mentioned.
Item - I give to my Son William SWINDELL Two negroes, viz Grace and
Ben, to him and his heirs forever also, one Bed & furniture, and fifty
dollars to be paid out of the sales of other property.
Item I give to my son Joseph SWINDELL Two negroes viz Kelly & Eliza to
him & his heirs forever.
Item - I give to my daughter Matilda Selby during her natural life the
piece of land which I bought of Robert Jennett and the land I bought
at a Sheriffs sale at the court House both of which is knowby by the
name of the Milby Tract, joining Noah Gibbs and others, after the
death of the said Matilda Selby my daughter, I give said tract of land
to her children that is lawfully begotten of her, that may be living
at her death to be equally divided amongst them share & share alike.
Item - I Give to my daughter Matilda Salby Two negroes viz Sam and
Simeow, to her & her heirs forever, also the ballance of the Cypress
Rails in the popler Ride swamp not heretofore given away.
Item - I will that my executors shall sell either at private or public
sale, the Following negros viz Martin, Old Nance, Made Codel & Ann,
also stock, Crop and all other property & things not before willed and
given away for the purpose of paying all my just debts, or as many and
as much thereof as will satisfy all my all my debts, and remainder or
remainders there of, whether it be in money or Negroes, I give to my
children Dixon SWINDELL, William SWINDELL, Joseph SWINDELL, Matilda
Selby & to my wife Sally SWINDELL to them & their heirs to be equally
divided amongst them.
Item - Lastly after the death of my beloved wife Sally SWINDELL I give
unto my children Dixon SWINDELL, William SWINDELL, Joseph SWINDELL, &
Matilda Selby and their heirs the following Negroes viz Levine, Rose,
and Little Nance to be equally divided amongst them.
Of this my last will and testament I further appoint my Two Eldest
sons Dixon SWINDELL and William SWINDELL, my whole & sole Executors to
this my last will and testament, revokint all others by me or for me
made, ratifying and declaring this to be my last will and Testament.
I ____ whereof I the said William SWINDELL Sen. have hire unto set my
hand and seal this the 20th day February 1837.
Signed & sealed in
presence of
Milton Selby
Dempsey Voliray
Wm. SWINDELL Jr. (Seal)
Copy of Will
In the name of God, Amen. I Wade SWINDELL of the county of Hyde and
State of North Carolina, being of sound mind and memory (blessed) be
Almighty God for the same) do make and publish this my last will and
First: I give and bequeath to my son Marshall H. SWINDELL five dollars
to be paid to him by my executrix hereinafter nammed within six months
after my decease;
Second. I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Mahala all the rest of
my property real personal and mixed of what nature or hind soever, and
wheresoever the same shall be at the time of my death (after paying
from the same all my just debts and the legacy of five dollars already
named to be hers as long a she shall remain unmarried and my Widow,
but on her decease or marriage all my property real personal or mixed
I give and devise to my six children Amanda Roena, Fannie Burrus,
Della, Verna Cafrel, Wade and Willie Volentine, and their hiers
respectively to be divided in equal shares between them.
I do nominate and afppoint my beloved wife Mahala to be the sole
executrix of this my last Will and testament.
In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal and publish and
decree this to be my last will and testament in prisence of the
Witnesses named below this 12th day of November in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty one.
Wade SWINDELL (seal)
Signed Sealed declared and published by the said Wade SWINDELL as and
for his last will and testament in presence of us who at his request
and in his presence and in presence of eath other have subscribed our
names as witnesses hereto. George W. Benson residing on South Lake in
Hyde Co. Alonzo O'Neal residing on South Lake in Hyde Co.
Copy of Will
North Carolina Hyde County
I Wade SWINDELL of the aforesaid county and State, being of sound
mind but considering the uncertanity of my earthly existence do make
and declare this my last Will and testament:
First my executor hereinafter nammed shall give my body a decent
burial suitable to the wishes of my friends and relations and pay all
funeral expenses together with all my just debts out of the first
moneys which may arrive into his hands belonging to my estate.
Second I give devise and bequeath to my beloved brother William V.
SWINDELL all of my estate both real and personal of whatever nature of
which I may be possessed at the date of my death to be his absolutely
and forever.
Third I hereby donstitute and appoint by beloved brother William V.
SWINDELL my lawful executor to all intents and purposes to execute
this my last Will and Testament according to ___ ______ and meaning of
the Same and every ___ and ______ there of hereby revoking and
declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by me heretogore
made. In witness whereof I the said Wade SWINDELL do hereunto ___ my
hand and ___, this 27th day of Dec. 1892
Wade SWINDELL (Seal)
Signed , ____, published and declared by the said Wade SWINDELL to be
his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request
and in his presence do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto Alonzo
O'Neal Robt Jennette
Submitted by:
Margaret Gower Leggett
Orlando, Fl.
Will of Joseph SWINDELL - 1867 - Hyde Co,NC
Myself be in my proper mind it is my wish after I am dead that Joseph C.
Tunnell (?nothld) take charge of my estate and set off to my Sally Ann SWINDELL
a certain piece of land where I now live buted and bounded as follows
beginning at the lake at mouth of the Blount canal and running with said canal
to whre it is croped by a ditch between the land which Ed Credle and martin
SWINDELL now cultivates and with said ditch to the second ditch which runs
towards the lake until it reaches the the ditch which papes down by the old
gardens or orchards as it is at this time (?). C. Tunnell is requested to take
charge of notes accouts judgements, suits, ian court to recover money my crop
on hand and let the hands which I have had cultivate said crop and pay over to
my wife one third of the corn and cotton that may be raised on her part of the
land and if he cannot pay off off the my debts with what he finds on hand I give
him full power to sell any part of the lands which is not given to my wife and and
it he has to sell any part of her dower sell as small a portion as possible after
disposing of all which is not given to her the advancement which I have made to
my son J. D. SWINDELL I expect for him to keep to compensate him for the
improvements which he put on the lands I sold to J. D. Simmons in witness I
hereunto put my hand and seal this April 10th, 1867.
Submitted by:
Margaret Gower Leggett
Orlando, Fl.
Colony of NC 1735 - 1764 Land Patents by Margaret M. Hofmann
3324 pg. 328 John SWINDELL 5 March 1746/7 900 acres in Hyde County on
Maromuskeet Lake upon Mulberry Savanna, joining the Lake and the swamp.
4006 pg 37 Elizabeth PROCTOR 14 February 1739 100 acres in Beaufort Coumty
on the S. side of Bay river, joining Amos CUTTERAL, John Moore, Moores
Creek, and the river.
5056 pg 189 John SWINDALE 29 September 1756 300 acres in Hyde County,
joining his Own Survey and a Holler in the Swamp.
5113 pg. 204 John SWINDELL 29 September 1756 640 acres in Hyde County,
joining the Edge of the Savannah and the edge of the Swamp.
5870 pg 374 Robert PALMER 24 October 1761 300 acres in Hyde County on the
South Side of Mattamuskeet Lake, joining Mr. WHITE, Caleb SWINDAL, and the
6019 pg 401 Robert PALMER 23 April 1762 640 acres in Hyde County on
Mattamuskeet on the N. side of the Lake Creek of fort point, joining William
SWINDALL and James Clayton.
6126 pg 418 Samuel SWINDEL 23 April 1762 150 acres in Duplin County on the
E. side of Great Coheary, joining the fork of kill swamp and the run of
Blackmans Swamp.
6740 pg. 283 James ELLISON (?) 1 September 1759 200 acres in Hyde County on
Mattamuskeet Lake, joining John SWINDLE, James Clayton, and the Pocoson.
Hyde County, NC
County Index to the North Carolina Marriages Database.
28. Howard, York SWINDELL, Hettie 23 Sep 1884
Bible Records held by the North Carolina State Archives
SWINDELL Family, 1854-1939
SWINDELL, Cornelius, 1781-1978
SWINDELL, Joseph Redden, 1849-1933
SWINDELL-Harris-Wharton Family, 1840-1929
Cutrell, John Tooley, Sr., 1824-1972
Cutrell, Sylvester Tooley, 1848-1928
Cutrell, William Riley, 1878-1953
Cuttrell-Daniels-Williams Family, 1790-1913

My Family Pages, see my index page

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