Evan Bowles' Family Tree

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Welcome to my Genealogy Pages. This site presents my research into the history and genealogy of my family. Primarily it traces the ancestry of my father, Edwin Harold Bowles and of my mother, Margaret Elizabeth Kew. There is also considerable data on the family of my wife, Brenda Jean Funk.

What you will find here:

The major content of the site is my family database. You can search either by surname or by the name of a specific individual (see below) and then follow the highlighted links through their ancestors and descendants. There is also a section on family history containing photos and stories of the lives of some family members. I've included a selection of links to genealogy sites I found useful or just interesting. It's not long but most of the sites contain other links so by following them you will be able to find almost everything on the internet pertaining to genealogy.

There are hundreds of surnames appearing here. They include:
Bowles, Biddlecomb , Dancey/Denzey, Wood , Kew, Purdy, Plunkett, Huson, Funk and Schellenberg .
   A brief history of the Bowles surname    
   Bowles Photos and Family Stories Family History    
   Individuals Alyssa ??? to William Edward Hicks    
   Individuals Aganetha Hiebert to Shad Thomas    
   Individuals Andrew Thompson to Marie Wendy Zinger    
   Genealogy Links    
This is a Genealogy Site Go To Heartland Genealogy Society Go To Surname Web


These pages last updated Sept. 6, 1999

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