Thank You for coming to the Stick It To-Em Spay/Neuter Campaign
Now I know you are probably wondering? What is this  "Stick it to-em" thing about?

Good question. The  stick it to-em campaign is in direct correlation with the Stamp out Pet Overpopulation Campaign. If you haven't read about Stamp out Overpopulation please click on the link below to read and find out what this is all about:

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After reading the "Stamp Out" Pet Overpopulation i thought you know that would be a great idea to have a stamp with a cat & dog with the words spay/neuter save a life. Just think of all the millions of people that would see this and may be influenced by this message. As you know I am greatly for Spay/Neuter,  and as I have said before I will not get off my sopabox on this issue.


Well as usual I went to bed very late that night for some reason this is when most of my ideas start to form, hence the Stick It To-Em Campaign:

Since we do not currently have a spay/neuter stamp I got to thinking Why not make up return labels with something about spay/neuter on them. You know all those pesky bills you have to mail out each month. Why not spread the message through our personal mail.  Just think of all the hands that bill or letter goes through before it reaches it destination. Think of all the postal workers that will see this and maybe help us get the stamp commissioned.  What a great way to spread the message.

You may ask, O.k. this sounds great how to I participate. Well there are a variety of ways. What i have done is make up my own return labels with my word processing software and printer. You can find labels at most office supply stores and/or Walmart. I also have this habit where I put tape on the back of my bills, I know that may be silly but i am always paranoid that the envelope will come open, so now instead of putting tape on the back of my envelopes I do up a seperate label with a spay neuter message. There are a variety of sayings that you can use that are very neat. I use "Please don't Litter" "Spay/Neuter Your Pet."  IF you order or have someone print up your return labels for you, you may be able to have them add a line about spay/neuter. There are also stamps available. Any way you choose to   participate is great, just please participate.

If you have a webpage you can also use the banner below to show your support I just ask that you link back to this page:

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Then e-mail me and I will add you to the list of sites that support this issue. I would also ask that you put up the Stamp Out Pet Overpopulation Banner from above since both are related in idea. 

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Big thanks to some really great women!!!

I must first thank Jana for making the animated gif for this page, she was such a sweetheart to make it for me,  please visit her site Catscape Meow!

Thanks Susie you always come through!! Visit Susie at PawPrints and Purrs

Thanks also to Mickey for doing the Stamp Out Pet Overpopulation Page, please visit her at   St. Louis Animal Page

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