James David Findley served with Company E, 36th Regiment, Georgia Vol. Infantry, Army of Tennessee, CSA, Cherokee County, Georgia. In 1904 he applied for a pension under indigent class for his wartime service. This is the information he provided:
J. D. Findley of said State and County, desiring to avail himself of the Pension Act (Section 1254, Code), hereby submits his proofs, and after being duly sworn, true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows:
1. What is your name and where do you reside? (Give State, County and post-
J. D. Findley, I live at Cass Station in this County.
I have lived in the State of Georgia all my life.
1844 in Cass County, Georgia
In March 1862, in Pickens County Georgia, in Company "E", 36 GA Regiment.
Nearly three years.
Near Greensbor, N.C. April 26th 1865.
I was not.
I was at home on furlough which was granted me about the 1st of Feb 1865.
Infirmity and poverty.12. If upon the first ground, state how long you have been in such condition that you could not earn your support. If upon the second, give a full and complete history of the infirmity and its extent. If upon the third state whether you are totally blind and when and where you lost your eyesight.
I have been inflicted with heart disease for several years from which I have been very feeble and frail for six or seven years. I am now past doing any labor whatever.
13. What property, real and personal or income do you posess and its gross value.
I have no property of any kind.
14. What property, real or personal, did you possess in 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902, and what disposition, if any, by sale or gift, have you made of same?I have not had any property of any kind in five years. I have been supported by my named sons.
15. In what county did you reside durng those years and what property did you then return for taxation?Bartow; None.
16. How were you supported during the years 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902?I have been supported by my sons.17. How much did your support cost in each of those years, and what portion did you contribute thereto by your own labor or income?I do not know; Hardly any.
18. What was our employment during 1898, 1899, 1901 and 1902? What pay did you receive in each year?I have had no employment, simply lived with my sons.
19. Have you a family? If so, who composes such family? Give their means of support? Have they a homestead or other property? Their ages and how employed.Yes, my wife is still living with our son. My sons have no homesteads. They are married. Wife and I live with them. They support us.
20. Are you receiving any pension? If so what amount and for what disability?I have never received any pension.
21. Have you ever made and application for pension before?Yes
22. How many applications have you ever made and under what class.I made one application under indigent class.Sworn to and subscribed before me this day
5th day of July 1904
J. D. Findley, Applicant
G. W. Hendricks, Ordinary of Bartow County
BARTOW COUNTY }W. E. Lee of said State and County, having been presented as a witness in support of theh application of J. D. Findley for pension under section 1254, Code, and after being duly sworn tru answers to make to the following quesitons, deposes and answers as follows:
1. What is your name and where do you reside?
W. E. Lee, I live near Allatoona, Bartow County, GA.
2. Are you acquainted with J. D. Findley, the applicant; if so, how long have you known him?I knew him well in the war.
3. Where does he reside, and how long and since when has he been a resident of this State?Bartow County. Since I have known him.
4. When, where and in what company and regiment did he enlist and how do you know?Spring of 1862, Pickens County Ga, in Co. E, 36 GA
5. Were you a member of the same company and regiment?Yes
6. How long did he perform regular military duty?From Mch 1862 till Feb 1865.
7. When and where was his command surrendered?Near Greensboro N.C., April 26th, 1865.
8. Were you present when it surrendered?Yes
9. Was applicant present?No
10. If he was not present, where was he?
Home on furlough.
When did he leave his command?
Feb., I think.
For what cause?
By what authority he left?
Had a furlough.
How do you know all of this?
I was a member of the same company and I know personally tending the fact above states.
11. What property, effects or income has the applicant? (Give your means of knowledge)(no answer)
12. What property, effects or income did the applicant possess in 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902, and what disposition, if any, did he make of same?
(no answer)
13. Has he conveyed away any of his property in the last four years; if so, what was it, and to whom?
(no answer)
14. What is the applicant's occupation and physical condition?
(no answer)
15. Is the application unable to support himself by labor of any sort; if so, why?
He is, because he is old, afflicted and quite feeble.
16. How was he supported during the years 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902?
I cannot say personally.
17. What portion of his support for those four years was derived from his own labor or income?
Do not know.
18. Give a full and complete statement of the applican't physical condition that entitles him to a pension under Section 1254, Code?
He is old and infirm as well as afflicted.
19. Who composes family? What property have they? Children's age and their earning capacity?
(no answer)
20. What interest have you in the recovery of a pension by this applicant?
None.Sworn to and subcribed before me, this the 9 day of July 1904
W. E. Lee, Witness
G. W. Hendricks, Ordinary
BARTOW COUNTY}Personally came G. W. Lockridge of said county who in oath says that he has known J. D. Findley since 1867; that he is not able to work for a support and has not been for several years. That he has no property or income form which to derive a support; that he has been supported by his son, his son has a family and is a tenant not owning any homestead but is poor himself and works for his living. That said J. D. Findley is old and feeble from infirmities as well as from age. Affiant has no interest in the recovery of a pension by applicant.
Sworn to and subcribed before me July 9th 1904G. W. Lockridge
G. W. Hendricks, Ordinary
BARTOW COUNTY }Personally came before me Dr. F. R.Calhoun and A. T. Calhoun both known to me as reputable physicians of said County, who being severally sworn, say on oath that they have examined carefully J. D. Findley, application for pension under Section 1254, Code, and after such personal examination say that his precise physical condition is as follows: The hearts actions is very weak and irregular; ------- valvular disese. Application is wholly unable to earn a support, and that we have no interest in said pension being allowed. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 5th day of July 1804:
F. R. Calhoun
A. T. CalhounG. W. Hendricks, Ordinary
BARTOW COUNTY }I, G. W. Hendricks, Ordinary, in and for said County, hereby certify that the applicant J. D. Findley resides in said County, and has been a bona fide resident of this State since the a long time 189____ and that the witnesses, viz: W. E. Lee, G. W. Lockridge, F. R. Calhoun and A. T. Calhoun are of trustworthy character, and that their statements are entitled to full faith and credit.
I further certifiy that before answering the foregoing quesitons the applicant and each witness took the oath hereon prescribed, and that the full text of the affidavits was read to the applicant and witness before same was signed.
I further certify that the tax digest of Bartow County shows that applicant returned for taxation in his name in 1899 ---------------------Dollars of property, and in 1900 -------- -------------Dollars of property and in 1901 ------------------- Dollars of property; in 1902 -- -------------------Dollars of property.
In my opinion the foregoing claim is _________ made in good faith.Witness my hand and seal of office, this 28 day of July, 1904
G. W. Hendricks, Ordinary of Bartow County
1. Before any questions are answered, the Ordinary shall swear applicant and the witness in the folowing words: You shall true answers make to each of the qestions asked of you, and the evidence you shall give will be the whole truth, so help you God."
2. Additional affidavits may be attached if blank spaces are insufficient.
3. In every case the Ordinary must certify to the character of the witness, and as to the execution of the proof as above set out.GEORGIA }
BARTOW COUNTY }Personally appeared before me, W. E. Lee of said County who after being sworn on oath says that in February 1865 at Midway Ga., Mr. J. D. Findley, who was in my Company in the Confederate Service was granted a furlough as I now remember it was for thirty days. At thetime his home was in Cherokee County, Georgia or about the line of Cherokee and Forsyth most likely in Cherokee. At that time the Federals has passed through this section of the county and had gone on towards the Carolinas and occupied that territory of the Country. After Mr. Findley went home as above stated our Command went in through South Carolna and into North Carolina and surrendered near Greensboro on April 26th 1865. I can't conceive how he could have reached our command through the Yankee lines alone or caught up with us after staying at home in Cherokee County for thirty days. The way he got the furlough was about this way: to wit: there was a furlough for a certain number of persons in our regiment, which were drawn for and in this way Mr. Findley was lucky and drew one. He was a good soldier and an honorable man. Affiant is not in any way interested in a arecovery of a pension by applicant.
Sworn to and subscribed before me Jan 4th 1905:
W. E. Lee
G. W. Hendricks, Ordinary, Bartow County, Ga.
BARTOW COUNTY}Personally appeared before me J. D. Findley and in oath says that in March 1865 at the expiration of my furlough which was but a short time before the surrender of General Lee, I started all alone from my father's house in Cherokee County Georgia to try to get to my Command. After travelling for two days and nights I found that it would be impossible for me to make my way successfully through the Country to my Command. I was afoot and being confronted by people in my way and seeing I could not make my way to my command on foot, I retraced my steps back to my fathers house in Cherokee County. Being thus situated fell in with the forces of General W. T. Wofford and surrendered under him at Kingston, Bartow County, Ga., May 12, 1865. I would much rather have been with my old command but circumstances were such that I could not get to it and the only, and as I supposed the best I could do was left to me to join in and take the consequences with the forces of General W. T. Wofford.
Sworn to and subscribed before me Sept. 2nd 1905:
J. D. Findley
G. W. Hendricks, Ordinary
BARTOW COUNTY }Personally appears J. D. Findley of Bartow County, State of Georgia, who, being duly sworn says on oath that he is a bona fide citizen and resident of said County and State, and has resided in said State continuously ever since the 8th day of Nov. 1844; that he is 62 years old and by occupation a farmer, that he enlisted in the military service of the Confederate States (or of the State of ______________) during the war between the States, and served for the term of 3 yrs. in Company E, of 36th Regiment of Ga Vol ; that his physical condition is as follows: He has dropsy of the heart and is too weak and feeble to earn a support and that his property consists of the following items:_____________________________________________________ of the value of _________________ Dollars. I am now earning by my labor, __________Dollars per month. That by reason of his physical condition and poverty he is unable to support himself by his own exertion or labor, and that he receives no pension but the one herein applied for.
Desponent desires to participate in the benefits of the Act approved December 15th 1894, and the Acts amendatory thereof, and makes application for the pension to which he is entitled for the year 1906. I have heretofore, as a resident of Bartow County, been enrolled a pension for the year 1905.Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 10 day of Jan. 1906:
J. D. (his X mark) Findley
G. W. Hendricks, Ordinary
BARTOW COUNTYI, G. W. Hendricks Ordinary of said County, do certify that I am well acquainted with J. D. Findley the applicant in the foregoing affidavit, and am well satisfied that the statements made by him in his said affidavit are true, and I know he is the individual he represents himself to be, and that he resides in this County.
Given under my official signature and seal, this 10th day of Jan 1906.
G. W. Hendricks, Ordinary, Bartow County
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