Barb's genealogy search continues...shaking out all the branches of the family tree

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Many surnames and ancestor lineage can be found below. If you have any stories on the ancestors listed, please let me know so I can update my pages. Thanks in advance!!! Look below for Mayflower information.

If you find a surname that you would like additional information on, please sign the guestbook and hopefully other researchers in addition to myself will be able to assist you. Have fun looking through my page.

Thank you to everyone who has sent me additional information. I love to know when information has been verified and we can all share the correct information.

My ancestors (blue buttons) and my husband's ancestor's (red buttons):

Please post all genealogy questions in the guestbook. If I don't know the answer, maybe someone else will.

I have archived the three other guestbooks. A lot of genealogy information can be obtained through other researchers who have signed:

Unfortunately, the third guestbook only allowed for 200 entries, so a lot of the older entries have been lost. If you posted information and you cannot find it, please repost in the new guestbook. Thanks!

For all other correspondence, send an e-mail to

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Mayflower ancestors and information

My ancestors are John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley. My husbands ancestors are the Elder William Brewster and his son Love. A great Mayflower page can be found at The Rand Organization who will show the passenger list and the occupations.

American Ancestor Anne Marbury Hutchinson. In 1911 a bronze tablet to the memory of Mrs. Hutchinson was placed on Split Rock by the Society of Colonial Dames of the State of New York, who recognized that the resting place of this most noted woman of her time was well worthy of such a memorial. The tablet bears the following inscription:

ANNE HUTCHINSON Banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1638. Because of her devotion to religious liberty this courageous woman sought freedom from persecution in New Netherland. Near this rock in 1643 she and her household were massacred by Indians. This tablet is placed here by the Colonial Dames of the State of New York.

I found an incredible site. It is UNCLAIMED.ORG and has a listing of all the United States sites, which have searchable databases. I found 5 relatives just in the state of New York who had unclaimed funds. Their heirs will be able to claim the funds that have been sitting idle for over 20 years! It is well worth the visit.

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Ancestry Information

Social Security Numbers and more!!


Do you have trouble remembering the relationship for the cousins? If so this is the perfect site to clear up all the confusion

Genforum This is a great place to check out the postings of surname inquiries

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