Welcome to the Heartland Select Webring
If you're listed in Heartland Select you are invited to join the webring.
If you have not been approved for a Heartland Select listing,
After you join the webring, copy and paste the fragment code below,
You'll get your ID number when you get your email from WebRing.
You are given 15 days to put the HTML fragment onto your site or your site information will be automatically deleted from the queue.
After you put the HTML up on your site be sure to E-mail Kryss
You will not actually be in the webring until after this is done,
This is the graphic that you will need for the ring:
Save IT now & then upload into your File Manager
When filling out the form
please be sure to put your full URL with the exact page **PLEASE NOTE**
Please keep your email address & URL that the code is on current at ring management.
If your ready to join the ring continue on & Click here to fill out the form to join the ring
*Please Note: On the very rarest of occasions, Heartland Select may |