Evolution vs. Creation Resource Center

 Hi there, here you will find subject matter like: evolution vs creation, God,
 creation science, satan, christianity, real audio broadcasts, christian links and
 articles. Issues deal with: evolution, gay and lesbian, sex, money, drugs,
 crime, violence, peace, joy, what your children are being taught in public
 schools, big bang theory, fossil records, alcoholism and so much more it's
 too much to list here. Keep checking back for updates. Page 4 is the page
 updated most. frequently.


Well I believe that life came from nothing and we came from some big bang, although no one seems to know where the matter that exploded came from without being created I still think that's what happened. If this resembles your opinion   
click here
   Well, ummm... I just can't believe that life came from nothing, and...doggonit
   surly the complexities of life must have been created! If this resembles your
   opinion, click here

The Articles  This is where you will find Questions and Answers, articles addressing social, ethical, and christian subjects. 

The Fossil Record  A brief overview of the fossil record. Find out some eye opening scientific facts that don't agree with the theory of evolution. On site links will take you to the source of the information, where you can find more in depth details. 

The Evolution Test  The Evolution test appeared on site after more than a few requests from viewers. Check it out! 

Cults Some of the Cult organizations of today, and definitions. 

Celebrity Evangelists  Today's most sought after evangelists and their daily messages and live broadcasts on RealAudio. 

Hot Lines Another section due to viewer requests. 

  Bible Answers Bible topics, questions and answers requested by viewers. 

Chat room
Our affiliate site is now
up and running. Though
there are a few things left
to do, the site is basically 
ready. Check it out!
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