Meet My Mom!
LaGatha Mc Brown
Mom, this page is dedicated to you.
Your are the best mom & grandma
anyone could ask for.
Happy Mother's Day 1998
What is a Mother?
A mother is someone to shelter and guide us,
To love us, whatever we do, With a warm understanding and infinite patients. And wonderful gentleness, too. How often a mother means swift reassurance In soothing our small, childish fears, How tenderly mothers watch over their children And treasure them all through the years! The heart of a mother is full of forgiveness For any mistake, big or small, And generous always in helping her family, Whose needs she has placed above all. A mother can utter a word of compassion And make all our cares fall away, She can brighten a home with the sound of her laughter And make life delightful and gay. A mother possesses incredible wisdom And wonderful insight and skill - In each human heart is that one special corner Which only a mother can fill!
Katherine Nelson Davis
"God could not be everywhere and therefore
he made mothers." -- Jewish proverb
When God Made Moms
When the good Lord was creating mothers!!!!!
He was into His sixth day of "overtime
when the angel appeared and said,
"You're doing a lot of fiddling around
on this one." AND THE LORD SAID.....
"Have you read the specs on this order?
She has to be completely washable, but not
plastic. Have 180 moveable parts... all
replaceable. Run on black coffee and leftovers.
Have a lap that disappears when she stands up,
a kiss that can cure anything from a broken leg
to a disappointed love affair, and six pairs of
hands." And the angel shook her head slowly and
said,"Six pairs of way."
"It is not the hands that are causing me
problems," said the Lord, "It's the three
pairs of eyes that mothers have to have."
"That's on the standardmodel?" asked the
angel. THE LORD NODDED....One pair that sees
through closed doors when she asks "What are
you kids doing in there?" when she already
knows. Another here in the back of her head
thatsees what she shouldn't, but what she has
to know; and of course the ones here in front
that can look at a child when he goofs up and
say, "I understand and I love you", without so
much as uttering a word." "Lord", said the
angel touching his sleeve gently, "go to bed,
tomorrow...." "I can't", said the Lord, "I'm
so close to creating something so close to
myself. Already I have one who heals herself
when she is sick....can feed a family of six
on one pound of hamburger, and can get a nine
year old to stand under a shower." The angel
circled the model of a mother very slowly.
"It's too soft", she sighed. "But tough!"
said the Lord excitedly. You cannot imagine
what this mother can do or endure." "Can it
think?" "Not only can it think, but it can
reason and compromise", said the Creator.
Finally the angel bent over and ran her
finger across the cheek. "There's a leak",
she pronounced. "I told you, you were trying
to put too much into this model."
"It's not a leak", said the Lord. "It's a tear".
"What's it for?" "It's for joy, sadness,
disappointment, pain, loneliness and pride."
"You're a genius", said the angel.
"My mother was the most beautiful woman
I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother.
I attribute all my success in life to the
moral, intellectual and physical education
I received from her." -- George Washington (1732-1799)
God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me.
--Pat O'Reilly
"By and large, mothers and housewives
are the only workers who do not have
regular time off. They are the great
vacationless class." -- Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1907- )
Mom, Cindy picked this one for you.
She said it reminds her that she is
always telling you, "I'll be okay."
Because of You, Mother,
I'll Always Be Okay
Mother, I know there have been times
when I've caused you to be concerned,
I know sometimes you worry about me.
But please remember,
I have learned my best lessons in life
from you.
You taught me how to be strong and confident
and to always look at the world with
sensitivity and love.
I'm glad I have the chance to say
"Thank you, Mother,"
for being you and for giving me a
wonderful attitude towards life,
and to let you know that because of you,
I will always be okay."
I Love You.
Donna Levine
With Thanks to You, Mother
thank you for always standing by me,
even when you don't agree with me.
Thank you for your patience and forgiveness,
even when I don't deserve it.
Thank you for letting me stumble and fall,
even when you could make things easier.
Thank you for always accepting me
for who I am and what I believe in,
even when you know I'm wrong.
Thank you for all the times you've
given advice, even when you know
I'm not going to take it.
Thank you for all these things,
and all those I've forgotten.
Thank you for all your tears,
all your smiles,
all your wisdom,
and all your love.
Thank you for being the
very wonderful person you are.
Thank you for being my mother.
--Patricia Holleman McGuire--
We Have a Bond That Can
Only Grow Stronger with Time
Thanks Mother,
for all the feelings you've shared
and stories you've told.
Thanks for all the times
you've been there for me
and reached out to help me
sort out my thoughts
and know myself better.
Thanks for all the times
you spent your few free moments
doing all the special things
you've done just for me.
Thanks for all the times
you were my best friend
and my only friend, the best mother
anyone could have.
Thanks for all the times
you made me feel like somebody
and had faith in my dreams
and in my future.
for allthe giving you gave,
all the time you spent,
all the hugs and caring,
all the love you put into me.
We have a bond that can only
grow strounger with time.
--Tracy Sheldon--
Mother, I Want To Tell
You All the Things I
Sometimes Forget to Say
sometimes I may forget to say
"I Love You"
for all the times only you
understood what I was feeling.
Sometimes I may forget to say
"Thank You"
for every time you helped me
understand the disappointments
and triumphs of life.
Sometimes I may forget to say
"I'm Sorry"
for all the mistakes I've made
that caused you so much worry.
Sometimes I may forget to say
"I need you"
because I'm trying to be
independent and do certain
things on my own.
That doesn't mean I don't
need you, because I know
that, no matter what,
you will always be there
for me; it just means that
I want to accomplish it
myself, without having to
ask for help.
There is something I could
never forget, though,
and that's knowing that
throughout my life, you've
shown me gentleness,
patience, understanding,
and love.
--Sheila Ann McKinney--
In closing, I'd like to tell
you this, with all my heart...
I'm Glad Your My Mother
I sometimes wonderwhat kind of
person I'd be if for some
reason you had not been
my mother.
I think of all the values
I might have been taught,
and I wonder if I would
have grown up like myself,
or whether I would have had
the opportunities I've had.
It's then that I realize again
how lucky I am to have a mother
who cares for me the way you do.
And I feel that I was meant
to be your child, because if
I had ever been given the
chance to choose which
mother I would have...
I would have chosen you.
--Judith L. Sloan--
Soccer Mom
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