MONASCUS RED, red fermented rice as an alternative to nitrite-curing-salt

Monascus, also known under the name Angkak or as red fermented rice, red rice or Koji is mostly produced on the basis of glazed rice and the fermentation with the fungus Monascus or other of its species: 

Production of red-fermented rice

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Process of fermentation

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Evalution in laboratory

The pigment formating fungus Monascus is added to moistened rice. After an fermentation period of 2 - 4 weeks the product is dried and put on the market in form of whole grains or as powder. The modern production adapts to the requirements of sterility necessary for labaratory cultures. The fungus, e.g. „MONASCUS purpureus" produces pigments, that essentially consist of Monascorubin and Monascin. The components produced by the fungus are very small in relation to the amount of rice that is used. Hence, the rice does not lose its nutritive value. According to current stand of knowledge no toxic or otherwise harmful by-products occur. Click to enlarge!
Monascus Red - Red fermented rice
Hence, it is an absolutely usual and flawless process of food production so that it is unnecessary to name specific examples of cheese, sausage and yoghurt products produced in this way. Next to colour pigments the fermentation process also produces compounds that have aromatising effects. 
As East-Asian food has gained world wide popularity, fermented rice is also in Germany consumed during meals or used within food production. The red colour pigments resist high temperatures and there is no drift into yellow or blue shades. Thus, Monascus Red is ideal for colouring meat and sausage products.

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