Welcome to my genealogy page!!! Hope you've enjoyed browsing through the pages. Come back again soon.

Edward L. Stump - 09/17/00 21:19:22
My Email:stumpjumper@worldnet.att.net
Main surname #1: stump
Main surname #2: stahly
Your home state or country: indiana
Who is the father of Joseph b. 1814 in Ontaria Canada? I'm decended from Danial A. Stump who lived in Vaughan Twp, York Co., Ontario until 1838 and moved to Elkhart Co. Indiana.

Michele White - 09/07/00 23:51:35
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/white5/genealogy.html
My Email:white5@prodigy.net
Main surname #1: Livengood
Your home state or country: Iowa/California
Great site!

W. - 07/30/00 01:00:16

W. - 07/30/00 01:00:15

Pamela Zentz Scjlosser - 07/14/00 22:48:58
My Email:Zentz@yahoo.com
Your home state or country: Butler,Indiana 46721
I am Geo.H.Zentz's Gr.Gr.Gr.Gr. granddaughter.

Sheila Stump - 06/04/00 23:26:39
My Email:samie55@aol.com
Main surname #1: Stump
Your home state or country: Pennsylvania
My son found your Stump geneology site. My father-in-law was Maurice C. Stump born 1915, son of Clarence and Shella Stump of Plymouth, Indiana. Clarence was the son of Joseph C., Jr and Nellie Stump. Joseph, Jr. was the son of Joseph C. Sr. and Judith Troup of Elkhart, Ind. We have lots of geneology information in our family book. I have forwarded your site address to my two sisters-in-law. Maybe we can help you update some of the information. Sheila Stump

Barb Halsey - 04/27/00 04:17:18
My URL:http://yahoo.com
My Email:lonbarbhalsey
Main surname #1: Daniel Stump
Main surname #2: David Halsey
Your home state or country: Indiana
Not real good at doing genealogy on the internet yet but am learning bit by bit. Your site kept coming up whenever I entered Stump Ontario. So I checked you out. I'll be back after I look over some dates and names. Thanks, Barb Halsey

Edward L. Stump - 04/20/00 19:10:31
My Email:stumpjumper@worldnet.att.net
Main surname #1: Stump
Main surname #2: Stahly
Your home state or country: MIchigan
Joseph Stump, married to Catherine Lehman, was the son of Daniel A. Stump, my gt gt grandfather. I am decendant of Johnathan Stump a brother of your Joseph Stump. I am native to Nappanee, Indiana where our gt gt grandfather Daniel A. Stump is buried at Union Center Cemetery. If you are interested,I can assist you with the Johnathan branch. Just let me know. Ed Stump

Ross Stump - 03/22/00 20:14:51
My URL:http://www.onegraphics.com
My Email:rosstamon@hotmail.com
Your home state or country: Salida, Colorado
Grew up in Pennsylvania

Dave Pinkham - 02/24/00 00:46:59
My URL:http://www.idonthaveone.com
My Email:idont@haveone.com
Favorite Geocities URL: www.idonthaveone.com
Main surname #1: Pinkham
Main surname #2: Kegg
Your home state or country: U.S.A.

BRIAN Curtis(formerly GROCOCK) - 12/10/99 16:14:29
My URL:http://www.curtisart.co.uk
My Email:brian@curtisart.co.uk
Main surname #1: GROCOCK
Your home state or country: United Kingdom
Fantastic information!! I am looking for any relatives accross the globe. My father was Alan Grocock my mother Irene. I have a brother Paul and a sister Linda. My father has 3 brothers Ted, Colin and Victor GROCOCK. Can anyone help? To find out more about me and my career as an illustrator and web site designer check out my site: http://www.curtisart.co.uk See you soon!

Janet Topolski - 11/08/99 16:11:10
My Email:ptopolski@net1plus.com
Your home state or country: MA
I too am attempting to research the Wyland family. I am the granddaughter of Earl and Elizabeth (nee Bradley) Wyland. They are from Spangler,PA. Where do your Wylands from PA originate in PA? Earl's parents (my great-grandparents were Rose(?Rosealynn) and either John Joseph or Joseph John originally from Nicktown.Will send any info if there is a correlation found as I get it.

Billy L Stump - 11/05/99 04:44:58
My Email:grumpy@westnet.com
Your home state or country: Darke,County. Ohio
We are looking for any info for the name of Stump in the Darke county area of Ohio. If you could give us any info it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you The Stumps

laura - 10/26/99 22:50:31
My Email:unknown
Favorite Geocities URL: all
Main surname #1: Downey
Main surname #2: Mainella
Your home state or country: Canada
What an amazing site, I am telling my frineds about this!!!!!

Al Boulanger - 07/28/99 22:49:21
My Email:dingoal@aol.com
Main surname #1: Stump
Main surname #2: Blanchard
Your home state or country: Rhode Island
Hi Cousin Melody, You have a wonderful site. It is very well laid out and things are easy to find. Congratulations, Al

Jerry Rookstool - 07/13/99 16:06:50
My Email:JERAUN@webtv.net
Main surname #1: Rookstool
Main surname #2: Flack
Your home state or country: Greenbriar Cty, WV
I enjoyed looking through your Rookstool lineage. I am decended (4th generation) from John and Mary (Cline) Rookstool. While your ancestors moved west, mine remained in Virginia/West Virginia. Thanks cousin!

Margo Stapleton - 06/24/99 19:18:15
My Email:gramargo@aol.com
Main surname #1: McGonigle
Main surname #2: Bennett
Your home state or country: CA
We follow every lead on Bennetts. We too have a Martha, born 1848 in WI, parents Asabel Bennett and Sarah Ann Dilley/Dilly. He was born in 1814 in NY, so I don't see a connection, sad to say. Someday we'll find his family, however!

Raylene - 06/13/99 22:54:00
My Email:raylene.lamb@mciworld.com
Main surname #1: Troyer - Lehman
Main surname #2: Yoder
Your home state or country: Missouri
I have really enjoyed your site. I read all the comments. It's great to see others with something in common; however, I did not find any comments from this part of your line. I will keep looking. Great Site!!!

Bob Stump - 06/01/99 02:57:57
My Email:bobess@netzero.net
Main surname #1: Stump
Main surname #2: Price
Your home state or country: VA
I'm looking for Elijah Stump born around 1850. Abraham Stump, with Biblical children names is interesting but apparently dead end. Best, Bob Stump

jo ann whirledge - 05/25/99 21:50:40
My Email:jwhirledge@dmba.com
This is great. I am wondering why you have chosen to research the Whirledge family name??? I thought we were alone out there! Thanks for your efforts. My great-grandfather was Isaac Whirledge, married to Mary Openlander(?). Their son, Harry Whirledge married Lottie Ruhland. My father, Roger, was born in Garrett, Indiana (currently lives in Los Angeles, CA). I can get more details if you are interested....let me know.

Gladys Wyatt Springer - 05/12/99 15:58:28
My URL:www.hotmail.com
My Email:vcaaa@hotmail.com
Main surname #1: Wyatt
Your home state or country: IN
Glad to find more relatives. My gr-gr-gr-grandfather was John T. D. Wyatt.

Edward L. Stump - 04/19/99 21:43:16
My Email:stumpjumper @worldnet.att.net
Main surname #1: Stump
Main surname #2: Stahly
Your home state or country: Michigan

Mark Dunithan - 04/16/99 03:00:35
My Email:m_dunithan@hotmail.com
Hi there ! Amazing what kind of trash you can pick up when you have a web page.

William D. Stump, Jr. - 04/15/99 14:06:40
My Email:dstump@livenet.net
Main surname #1: Stump
Main surname #2: Kidd
Your home state or country: Virginia
Just checking on possible relations

Tiescha Long - 02/26/99 16:21:01
Main surname #1: Long
Main surname #2: Jones
Your home state or country: PA
I'm interested in finding out if I have any ancestors in the colonial peorid 1600?? Long is english and there were Long's dated back ti Wil,England . The name means Lanky or tall ( Go figure):)

Wallace Lee Stump - 02/13/99 01:29:51
My Email:wallacestump@msn.com
Main surname #1: Stump
Main surname #2: Ezzell
Your home state or country: Florida
My father's family was from Waukarusa Indiana. His name was Wallace Max Stump. His fathers name was Riall Stump (served in spanish american war). I appreciate what you're doing here!

Luis Martinez Bazil - 02/08/99 03:31:09
My Email:luis000@hotmail
Main surname #1: Martinez
Main surname #2: Bazil
Your home state or country: Dominican Republic
I want to find out were did my second surename came from, i haven't found anything yet, i wonder if you can help me please

Ron Berry - 01/17/99 20:46:21
My Email:berryhil@nbnet.nb.ca
Main surname #1: vanpevenage
Your home state or country: Canada
My wife's great grandmother was from Holland & her name was van pevenage..not certain of exact spelling.Are you a Holland link. I have never been able to find any trace of this name.Her daughter came to Canada in the early 1900's....can you recommend an links in Holland.She may have lived in Belgium.There is one story of her grandson visiting her at the end of WW 1 in Belgium..thanks for any help.......Ron Berry

Ratricia Elliott - 01/04/99 13:54:59
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Parthenon/7330
My Email:albiona@hotmail.com
Main surname #1: Reynolds
Main surname #2: Standring
Your home state or country: Washington
I know of an Edward Stump that currently resides in Napa County, CA. If you wish to contact him for more family geneology I could be the middle (woman).

Roy Covert - 01/02/99 19:28:09
My Email:Roy Covert@aol.com
Main surname #1: Covert
Your home state or country: Arkansas,USA
Please notify me if you ever have any info showing the Surname of COVERT originating any where outside of the USA Thank you for your help !! Roy Covert@aol.com

Sharon(Black) Egolf - 12/27/98 01:16:56
My Email:sharon@waveone.net
Main surname #1: Black/Schwartz
Your home state or country: Indiana
I tried to e-mail you, but it keeps coming back as undeliverable. If you can e-mail me as I am connected to this same family and would like to exchange information. My grandparents are Frederick Black and Lora Correll. You have a great website.

David Agee - 12/10/98 06:12:04
My Email:DAgee101@aol.com
Main surname #1: Stump
Main surname #2: Pugh
Your home state or country: Alleghany, Va
looking for Henry and David C. Stump, Franklin and Floyd, Va.

s - 12/01/98 18:36:37

Karen Lathrop - 11/19/98 19:32:00
My Email:karen.l.lathrop@monsanto.com
Main surname #1: Lathrop
Main surname #2: Whiteside
Your home state or country: Chicago
I think your site is great. I've referred friends who's names I located. I myself have traced Lathrop back to our origins in England early 1600s (original names was Lawthorpe). I'm also working on Wade & Rice.

10/04/98 23:43:55
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

- 10/04/98 19:16:57

Roger Gleitz - 09/26/98 04:28:55
My URL:http://www.netpointe.com/users/gleitz/roger/
My Email:gleitz@netpointe.com
Favorite Geocities URL: never considered it
Main surname #1: Erchenbrecht
Main surname #2: Beiler
Your home state or country: Indiana
We connect to Hans Georg Erchenbrect. I have a Jacob Buehler/Baylor/etc. who married Katherine Gish/Gisch, etc. who was from Lancaster Co., PA and served in Revolution. Could this be the Jacob Beiler who married Catherine Kish listed on your site?

Greg ADVOCAAT - 09/26/98 03:30:12
My Email:advocaat@gateway.net
Main surname #1: SWOVELAND
Your home state or country: MI
Liked your site, was directed to it by Bill Brauker

Steve Warstler - 09/25/98 18:18:40
My URL:http://members.aol.com/baseaurora
My Email:baseaurora@aol.com
Main surname #1: Warstler
Your home state or country: Indiana
Nice geneology .. I have a book about Warstler dating back to the origonal Heinreich Warstler (Worshler) who immigrated from Germany in the mid/late 1700's .. my home page will have some warstler geneology info on it by the end of 1998.

jeremy liebenguth - 09/12/98 18:11:22
My Email:Jliebenguth@hotmail.com
Your home state or country: louisiana
Very interested in my family background. What do you have? Can't seem to access. email me if possible I,m told that there are some liebenguths in pa is that true? My grand father's brother stayed up north aftere ww2 they later lost contact. Where did they comme from?

Sherry Livengood-Silverstein-Alpert - 09/07/98 00:33:06
My Email:SSilver809@aol.com
Main surname #1: Livengood
Main surname #2: Raborn
Your home state or country: Oklahoma
Hi Cousin... Just looking over your Livengood connection I see the same line and info, but I will review my chart in Family Tree Maker and see if I have any additional info. It is always neat to find a new cousin, even if distant. Talk to you soon Sherry

Sherry Livengood-Silverstein-Alpert - 09/07/98 00:30:05
My Email:SSilver809@aol.com
Main surname #1: Livengood
Main surname #2: Raborn
Your home state or country: Oklahoma
Hi Cousin... Just looking over your Livengood connection I see the same line and info, but I will review my chart in Family Tree Maker and see if I have any additional info. It is always neat to find a new cousin, even if distant. Talk to you soon Sherry

Roberta - 09/02/98 16:30:12
My URL:http://HLOL.com
My Email:Roberta@hlol.com
Main surname #1: Swayze
Main surname #2: Deuel
Your home state or country: Maryland
Thanks for your message. Great to find another Vandermark Cousin. Let me know when you have your Vandermark page listed. I'd like to list it on my Vandermark Genealogy Page. Roberta "Harriet's Letters On Line" HLOL.com

Mike Turner - 08/28/98 21:11:53
My Email:miketurner@dial.pipex.com
Main surname #1: Turner
Main surname #2: Bullivant
Your home state or country: United Kingdom

Mike Turner - 08/28/98 21:11:41
My Email:miketurner@dial.pipex.com
Main surname #1: Turner
Main surname #2: Bullivant
Your home state or country: United Kingdom

Georgie - 08/27/98 20:20:42
My Email:GFITZGE130@aol.com
Main surname #1: Denberry/Dunbury
Main surname #2: Johnson
Your home state or country: Massachusetts
Enjoyed your page, i'm lookin for any information on my great great grandfather Peter Denberry who lived in holland, if anyone has any info. thanks : )

Thomas A. Livengood - 08/23/98 14:27:46
My Email:Thomlive@aol.com
Main surname #1: Livengood
Main surname #2: Hornberger
Your home state or country: Oregon
I have a Hartman Livengood, Sr. b. 10/7/1727 in Switzerland married Anna Magareth Hornberger in 1760 in East Greenville, Montgomery County PA. Do you have anything like this. This is a far back as I have been able to go! Thom

Gail Genereau - 07/20/98 20:02:18
My Email:genereau@vbe.com
Main surname #1: Riley
Main surname #2: Mitchell
Your home state or country: Appleton, Wisconsin
Love your site and the music. It is so well done. I stumbled in while looking for ancestors from Yorkshire.

Theresa - 07/13/98 03:22:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Park/3376
My Email:theresar@webtv.net
Favorite Geocities URL: http://www.oocities.org/enchantedforest/cottage/6448
Your home state or country: AR
Hi! I didn't find any surnames in common, but just wanted to let you know I love the way you have done your pedigrees!!

- 06/28/98 13:59:58
My Email:Edna Beer
Your home state or country: Indiana
My mother-in-law has family in Ohio City.I see you Have Swoveland's in your list,but I can't access it. I'll keep trying. Your page is the only one I've found that contains any part of our family Great site t. I will keep trying,looking back at your page.

Shirley Zentz - 06/27/98 19:23:03
My Email:smz47@aol.com
Main surname #1: Zentz
Your home state or country: KS
I don't think there is a direct link to your Zentz in Ohio, but I do feel there is a link. My husbands gggrandfather Peter Zentz 1802 PA, moved to Richland Co. OH sometime around 1837. That is the date of his third childs birth. Enjoyed your work. Thanks

Pam MacRae - 06/24/98 03:52:26
My Email:p_macrae@yahoo.com
Main surname #1: Bechtelheimer
Main surname #2: Stump/Zug/Miller
Your home state or country: Reno, NV
I have two Bechtelheimer brothers who married two Stump sisters (or cousins). Zug and Miller just happen to be other surnames which I have on my ancestry list. I have bookmarked your web page and will return often to see if you have added any of the abo e names. Great lookin' website. The music is great!! Keep up the good work.

David Livengood - 06/12/98 21:40:16
My Email:livengood@mx.afrri.usuhs.mil

Jeffery Johnson - 06/10/98 19:17:14
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~howardorjeff/
My Email:howardorjeff@earthlink.net
Main surname #1: HILLIARD
Main surname #2: JOHNSON
Your home state or country: Tennessee
Enjoyed my visit...Keep up the great work and remember have fun hunting those long lost ancestors.

nancy j. stump - 06/08/98 01:47:44
My Email:nj.as@juno.com
Main surname #1: anglemyer
Main surname #2: fry
Your home state or country: indiana
I like the new look. all pages look good. like the pictures.

nancy j. stump - 06/08/98 01:39:38

Sharon - 06/08/98 01:28:35
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Valley/3744/
My Email:sharongriffin@oocities.com
Main surname #1: Wingo
Main surname #2: Sapp
Your home state or country: Florida
Thank you for your wonderful comments in our In His Image guestbook! The Waterfall on your mail page looks really good! Am going to check out your mom's page next.

Timira Perry-Volstromer - 06/08/98 00:00:50
My Email:highland@internet1.net
Main surname #1: Perry
Main surname #2: Fair/Fehr
Your home state or country: MI
We have a common ancestor in Jonas Anglemyer,his daughter Mary is my ggreatgrandmother! She was married to Jacob Imhoff and their youngest daughter is Annetta (Nettie)Imhoff who married Aden Fair and they had Lincoln Fair and his daughter Ruth(Ginger)Fair is my mother.

Wendy - 06/07/98 19:47:13
My URL:http://www.gentle.org/wendysgraphics/
My Email:wpettit@adelphia.net
Main surname #1: Clark
Main surname #2: Pettit
Your home state or country: Ohio
I really found this to be very interesting... Loks like a lot of work..but fun!!!

Sharon Stump (nee Minniear) - 05/19/98 17:17:50
My Email:stump@digtial.net
Main surname #1: Minniear
Main surname #2: Stump
Your home state or country: Ohio- Pennslyvania
Stump family:Westmoreland, Pennslyvania Francis Stump, father Maurice B, grandfather Maurice Arlington, Great Grandfather Phillip. Minniear: Ohio

Sharon Stump (nee Minniear) - 05/19/98 17:09:32
My Email:stump@digtial.net
Main surname #1: Minniear
Main surname #2: Stump
Your home state or country: Ohio- Pennslyvania
Stump family:Westmoreland, Pennslyvania Francis Stump, father Maurice B, grandfather Maurice Arlington, Great Grandfather Phillip. Minniear: Ohio

Debbie Richmond - 05/11/98 01:57:29
My Email:richmond@infowest.com
Main surname #1: Miller
Main surname #2: Smith
Your home state or country: Utah
Hi, I was just looking to see if any of your Smith's and Miller's were the same as mine. No luck on the Smith's but was unable to check your Miller line (must be still working on that one). My Miller's were in Indiana, Porter County mostly. James Miller is my G.G.G. Grandfather and he was from Maryland. Sound familiar? More than likely not, it seems I hit more brick walls than any stunt driver could ever dream of. Oh well, I keep looking. Thanks Debbie

Ben Struble - 05/11/98 00:41:05
Main surname #1: Struble
Main surname #2: Livengood
Your home state or country: Oregon
Also have the Haus family and possibly the Brown family. This could be a gold mine here!

Younghak Jnag - 05/08/98 10:19:10
My URL:http://home.netple.com/jyhlove1/
My Email:hosbo1@chollian.net
Favorite Geocities URL: nothing
Your home state or country: korea
hi free money Business Opportunity

JaNell Fleming - 04/25/98 01:19:56
My Email:lesacres@chickasaw.com
Main surname #1: Stump
Your home state or country: Oklahoma
Do you know anything about Abigail Stump who was born in Ohio in 1849? She married Thomas Fleming and they raised their family in Ohio. Her parents were from New York. They were in Van Wert County in Ohio.

JaNell Fleming - 04/25/98 01:18:38
My Email:lesacres@chickasaw.com
Main surname #1: Stump
Your home state or country: Oklahoma
Do you know anything about Abigail Stump who was born in Ohio in 1849? She married Thomas Fleming and they raised their family in Ohio. Her parents were from New York.

SANDRA SCHOEN GUEST - 03/07/98 01:18:18
My URL:http://OIO.NET
My Email:fyreant@oio.net
Main surname #1: GUEST
Main surname #2: SCHOEN
Your home state or country: OK TX

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