In September 1998, I attended Homeland '98 in Glasgow, Scotland. A group of us also went on a whirlwind tour of the Highlands for 4 days, and visited some of the sites Highlander: the Series used when filming in Scotland. Visit Homeland - Ky's Trip to Scotland for photos from that trip. Jette, our 'tour guide' on the trip has a great page detailing Highlander: The Series sites in Scotland. A Highlander: The Series Fan's Tour of Scotland

I will be posting a con report here soon but until then here are a few pictures I took at the convention:

Jim Byrnes (Joe Dawson)
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Michel Modo (Maurice)

I started watching Highlander about two years ago. First I started watching it because of the gorgeous man, Adrian Paul, who plays the lead role, Duncan MacLeod. Then I got hooked on the story. I've been 'addicted' ever since!

Below I have picked out some of the best pages on the web about Highlander. For information about Scotland visit my Scotland page. Visit the Clan Macleod website. If you are interested in information about Castle Tioram seen in the 'Homeland' episode of Highlander, click on the link. If you are interested in Highlander - The Complete Watcher's Guide book, click on the link.


Highlander: The Series - the official Rysher Site for the series

Highlander - The Official Site - an official site for both the series and the movies, includes the Highlander Store

The Highlander Watcher Chronicles

Nora's Highlander/Duncan MacLeod/Adrian Paul Page - takes a while to load but well worth the wait!

PEACE - Adrian Paul Fan Club

Debi's Highlander Page - Debi writes some wonderful fanfic! She also attended Homeland '98 and has a con report and photos from our trip on her site. Check it out!

Life After Immortality My friend Evon's Highlander obsession site. Access con reports and more!

Duncan Flag Wavers' Site

Peter Wingfield Fan Club - Peter Wingfield plays Methos, an over 5,000 year old immortal. His character was very interesting and I wish they would do a series on him.

The Highlander Page by Sonja - a great Duncan/Adrian site that may take a while to load - but it's worth it!

Jim Byrnes as Joe Dawson - A very nicely organized fan site!

Adrian Paul - What a Guy! - another site dedicated to Adrian Paul


Methosluvr's Methos Page

Adam's Homepage

The Methos Web Ring

Carmel's Highlander Pages

Wendy's Highlander Page

Highlander FAQ

The Official Hypertext Higlander FAQ

Highlander Hunks

The Highlander Sword Shopper's Guide

The Chameleon's Lair

Jenni's Corner of Cyberspace

Highlander - USA Network Site

Dragon Lady's Kinky Linkys

Links to the Highlander Universe

The Highlander Attic

The graphic on the top of my page came from Chaz222267's Highlander Site.

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Castle Tioram photo obtained from Images of Scotland. © Gary Scherubel