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Garden of friendship

Garden of Friendship oh how I plead
plant me a friend I so desperately need.

Give them the heart that would certainly be
a very special friend just to me

I will care for my friend as it grows from a seed
Staying by its side till it grows like a weed.

So that when it blooms it will know I was there
Giving it food and showing it care
And if a storm may drift by I will never leave its side
Keeping it from harm from the dark skies

My friend that is growing so strong and so bright
Will know that it can lean on me day or night.

Oh Garden of friendship how great you have been
To give me this friend that I will have till the end.

Author Tammy Landmon

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Margie Yellow Rose Sister's  wish you a wonderful Birthday, and we have this flower cake for you.

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YRS Birthday Committee has this gift for you

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Now its time for you to go see what your yellow rose sisters has for you


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Please send gifts to Betty.S  by Noon on June 11th

Made by Yellow Rose Sister's Birthday Committee Bety.S June 2001

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Please if you would like to use this poem  e-mail

Tammy Landmom

I have   permission of poet to use her poem

copyright/2001/Tammy Landmom

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Music = Evening   In The Garden

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copyright/2001/Geoff Anderson

with permission of composer