Heat stroke and death as a result of illnesses relating to the body’s inability to cope with heat. It includes minor illnesses, such as heat edema, heat rash (ie, prickly heat), heat cramps, and tetany, as well as heat syncope and heat exhaustion. Heatstroke is the most severe form of the heat-related illnesses and is defined as a body temperature higher than 41°C (106°F) associated with neurologic dysfunction.
Heat Stroke - Heatstroke EHS= Exertional heatstroke generally occurs in young individuals who engage in strenuous physical activity for a prolonged period of time in a hot environment.
Heat Stroke - Heatstroke NEHS=Non-Exertional Heatstroke more commonly affects sedentary elderly individuals, persons who are chronically ill, and very young persons. Classic NEHS occurs during environmental heat waves and is more common in areas that have not experienced a heat wave in many years. Both types of heatstroke are associated with a high morbidity and mortality, especially when therapy is delayed.
Heat Stroke - Body Condition: The human body can maintain a constant body temperature by balancing heat gain with heat loss in-balance. When heat gain overwhelms the body’s mechanisms of heat loss, the body temperature rises, and a major heat illness ensues. Excessive heat de-natures proteins, destabilizes phospholipids and lipoproteins, and liquefies membrane lipids, leading to cardiovascular collapse, multiorgan failure, and, ultimately, death. The exact temperature at which cardiovascular collapse occurs varies among individuals because coexisting disease, drugs, and other factors may contribute to or delay organ dysfunction. Full recovery has been observed in patients with temperatures as high as 46°C, and death has occurred in patients with much lower temperatures. Temperatures exceeding 106°F or 41°C generally are catastrophic and require immediate aggressive treatment and care.
Heat Stroke - Temperature can be acquired by a number of different mechanisms. At rest, basal metabolic processes produce approximately 100 kcal of heat per hour or 1 kcal/kg/h. These reactions can raise the body temperature by 1.1°C/h if the heat dissipating mechanisms are nonfunctional. Strenuous physical activity can increase heat production more than 10-fold to levels exceeding 1000 kcal/h. Fevers, shivering, convulsions, sympathomimetic drugs,hearty food staff,hot drinks,chilies and many other conditions and food staff can increase heat production, thereby increasing body heat.
Heat Stroke -Your body also can get heat from the environment through some of the same mechanisms involved in heat dissipation, including conduction, convection, and radiation. These mechanisms occur at the level of the skin and require a properly functioning skin surface, sweat glands, and autonomic nervous system, but they also may be manipulated by behavioral responses. Conduction refers to the transfer of heat between 2 surfaces with differing temperatures that are in direct contact. Convection refers to the transfer of heat between the body’s surface and a gas or fluid with a differing temperature. Radiation refers to the transfer of heat in the form of electromagnetic waves between the body and its surroundings. The efficacy of radiation as a means of heat transfer depends on the angle of the sun, the season, and the presence of clouds, among other factors. During summer, lying down in the sun can result in a heat gain of up to 150 kcal/h.Staying in any hot and stuffy can also increases the heat in the body. Always try to stay in an well aired or air-conditional area to reduce heat from your body.
Heat Stroke -Physiologicaly, heat gain is counteracted by a commensurate heat loss. This is orchestrated by the hypothalamus, which functions as a thermostat, guiding the body through mechanisms of heat production or heat dissipation, thereby maintaining the body temperature at a constant physiologic range. In a simplified model, thermosensors located in the skin, muscles, and spinal cord send information regarding the core body temperature to the anterior hypothalamus, where the information is processed and appropriate physiologic and behavioral responses are generated. Physiologic responses to heat include an increase in the blood flow to the skin (as much as 8 L/min), which is the major heat-dissipating organ; dilatation of the peripheral venous system; and stimulation of the eccrine sweat glands to produce more sweat.
Heat Stroke - When the heat is drying up your organs, the skin can transfer heat to the environment through conduction, convection, radiation, and evaporation. Radiation is the most important mechanism of heat transfer at rest in temperate climates, accounting for 65% of heat dissipation, and it can be modulated by clothing. At high ambient temperatures, conduction becomes the least important of the 4 mechanisms, while evaporation, which refers to the conversion of a liquid to a gaseous phase, becomes the most effective mechanism of heat loss.
Heat Stroke -Evaporation as a mechanism of heat loss depends on the condition of the skin and sweat glands, the function of the lung, ambient temperature, humidity, air movement, and whether or not the person is acclimated to the high temperatures. For example, evaporation does not occur when the ambient humidity exceeds 75% and is less effective in individuals who are not acclimated. Nonacclimated individuals can only produce 1 L of sweat per hour, which only dispels 580 kcal of heat per hour, whereas acclimated individuals can produce 2-3 L of sweat per hour and can dissipate as much as 1740 kcal of heat per hour through evaporation. Acclimatization to hot environments usually occurs over 7-10 days and enables individuals to reduce the threshold at which sweating begins, increase sweat production, and increase the capacity of the sweat glands to reabsorb sweat sodium, thereby increasing the efficiency of heat dissipation.
Heat Stroke - During heat gain exceeds heat loss, the body temperature rises. Classic heatstroke occurs in individuals who lack the capacity to modulate the environment ( infants, elderly individuals, individuals who are chronically ill). Furthermore, elderly persons and patients with diminished cardiovascular reserves are unable to generate and cope with the physiologic responses to heat stress and, therefore, are at risk of heatstroke. Patients with skin diseases and those taking medications that interfere with sweating also are at increased risk for heatstroke because they are unable to dissipate heat adequately. Additionally, the redistribution of blood flow to the periphery, coupled with the loss of fluids and electrolytes in sweat, place a tremendous burden on the heart, which ultimately may fail to maintain an adequate cardiac output, leading to additional morbidity and mortality.
Heat Stroke - Areas that interfere with heat dissipation include an inadequate intra vascular volume, cardiovascular dysfunction, and abnormal skin. Additionally, high ambient temperatures, high ambient humidity, and many drugs can interfere with heat dissipation, resulting in a major heat illness. Similarly, hypothalamic dysfunction may alter temperature regulation and may result in an unchecked rise in temperature and heat illness.
Heat Stroke -
Heatstroke is defined typically as hyperthermia exceeding 41°C and anhidrosis associated with an altered sensorium. However, when a patient is allowed to cool down prior to measurement of the temperature (as may occur during transportation in a cool ambulance or evaluation in an emergency department), the measured temperature may be much lower than 41°C, making the temperature criterion relative. Similarly, some patients may retain the ability to sweat, removing anhidrosis as a criterion for the diagnosis of heatstroke. Therefore, strict adherence to the definition is not advised because it may result in dangerous delays in diagnosis and therapy.
Clinically, 2 forms of heatstroke are differentiated. Classic heatstroke, which occurs during environmental heat waves, is more common in very young persons and in the elderly population and should be suspected in children, elderly persons, and individuals who are chronically ill who present with an altered sensorium. Classic heatstroke occurs because of failure of the body's heat dissipating mechanisms.
On the other hand, EHS affects young, healthy individuals who engage in strenuous physical activity, and EHS should be suspected in all individuals with bizarre irrational behavior or a history of syncope during strenuous exercise. EHS results from increased heat production, which overwhelms the body's ability to dissipate heat.
EHS is characterized by hyperthermia, diaphoresis, and an altered sensorium, which may manifest suddenly during extreme physical exertion in a hot environment.
A number of symptoms (eg, abdominal and muscular cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, dyspnea, weakness) commonly precede the heatstroke and may remain unrecognized. Syncope and loss of consciousness also are observed commonly before the development of EHS.
EHS commonly is observed in young, healthy individuals (eg, athletes, firefighters, military personnel) who, while engaging in strenuous physical activity, overwhelm their thermoregulatory system and become hyperthermic. Because their ability to sweat remains intact, patients with EHS are able to cool down after cessation of physical activity and may present for medical attention with temperatures well below 41°C.
Risk factors that increase the likelihood of heat-related illnesses include a preceding viral infection, dehydration, fatigue, obesity, lack of sleep, poor physical fitness, and unacclimatization. While unacclimatization is a risk factor for heatstroke, EHS also can occur in acclimatized individuals who are subjected to moderately intense exercise.
EHS also may occur because of increased motor activity due to drug use, such as cocaine and amphetamines, and as a complication of status epilepticus.
Classic NEHS is characterized by hyperthermia, anhidrosis, and an altered sensorium, which develop suddenly after a period of prolonged elevations in ambient temperatures (ie, heat waves). Core body temperatures greater than 41°C are diagnostic, although heatstroke may occur with lower core body temperatures.
Numerous CNS symptoms, ranging from minor irritability to delusions, irrational behavior, hallucinations, and coma have been described.
Other CNS symptoms include hallucinations, seizures, cranial nerve abnormalities, cerebellar dysfunction, and opisthotonos.
Patients with NEHS initially may exhibit a hyperdynamic circulatory state, but, in severe cases, hypodynamic states may be noted.
Classic heatstroke most commonly occurs during episodes of prolonged elevations in ambient temperatures. It affects people who are unable to control their environment and water intake (eg, infants, elderly persons, individuals who are chronically ill), people with reduced cardiovascular reserve (eg, elderly persons, patients with chronic cardiovascular illnesses), and people with impaired sweating (eg, patients with skin disease, patients ingesting anticholinergic and psychiatric drugs). In addition, infants have an immature thermoregulatory system, and elderly persons have impaired perception of changes in body and ambient temperatures and a decreased capacity to sweat
In KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment centre Chinese Master Acupuncturist and Herbalist have many special herbal formulas for preventing and treatment the complications of having heat stroke and all the complications as mention above.
The older person and sick once's should take more herbs to prevent the getting of Heat Stroke .
1. Diagnose as what problem, relating to heat stroke.
2. Main complain.
3. How long have you have it and where is it.
4. Any medications now or before.
5. Medical history or operations or injuries before.
6. Blood test report.
7. Hospital report.
8. Others complains
WHAT IS A STROKE? A stroke is a "brain attack" that happens when a part of the brain experiences a problem with blood flow. This disruption in blood flow cuts off the supply of oxygen to the cells in that part of the brain, and these cells begin to die.
Damage to the brain can cause loss of speech, vision, or movement in an arm or a leg, depending on the part of the brain that is affected.
Stroke is the major form of cerebrovascular disease, or CVD, a term that sometimes is used interchangeably with stroke.
There are two main types of stroke:
Stroke caused by a blockage in the artery supplying blood to a particular region of the brain (called cerebral infarction). This is the most common type of stroke.
Stroke caused by bleeding within the brain (called intracerebral hemorrhage).
In addition, some people experience brief warning signals that a major stroke is going to happen in the future. The medical term to describe these symptoms is transient ischemic attack or TIA. Sometimes called "mini-strokes", TIAs are exactly like a stroke, but they last only a few minutes (or sometimes as long as an hour) and leave no disability.
In many cases, a stroke will affect only one side of the body:
Stroke Caused By Blocked Blood Flow
About 85 percent of all strokes happen because not enough blood gets to the brain. Blood flow stops when an artery carrying blood to the brain becomes blocked. The technical name for this type of brain attack is cerebral infarction. It is also called ischemic stroke. "Ischemic" refers to a condition caused by a decreased supply of oxygenated blood to a body part.
The blockage can be caused either by a blood clot that forms in an artery in the brain, or by a blood clot formed elsewhere in the body that travels through the bloodstream to the brain. If this clot becomes stuck in an artery in the brain, a stroke can result.
Clots are more likely to form in arteries that are damaged by atherosclerosis , also called "hardening of the arteries," due to the buildup of cholesterol and other thick, rough, fatty deposits in the arteries.
The blockage also can be caused by a small piece of tissue, usually a blood clot, that has traveled through the bloodstream from elsewhere in the body.
In ischemic stroke, one of two major arteries is usually involved:
The carotid arteries start at the aorta (just above the heart) and lead up through the neck, around the windpipe, and into the brain. The basilar artery is formed at the base of the skull from the arteries that run up along the spine, and branches off in the brain.
Stroke Caused By Bleeding In The Brain
The other 15 percent of strokes happen when an artery carrying blood to the brain bursts suddenly. The bursting can happen because of a weak spot in the wall of an artery called an aneurysm . This type of brain attack is called a hemorrhagic stroke.
Two kinds of stroke are caused by bleeding in the brain:
A subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel on the brain bursts and bleeds into the fluid-filled space between the brain and the skull. This type of stroke can happen at any age.
An intracerebral hemorrhage occurs when an artery bursts inside the brain, flooding the surrounding brain tissue with blood. This type of stroke is often associated with high blood pressure
What are the effects of a stroke? |
The effects of a stroke depend on which part of the brain is injured, and how severely it is injured. Strokes may cause sudden weakness, loss of sensation, or difficulty with speaking, seeing, or walking. Since different parts of the brain control different areas and functions, it is usually the area immediately surrounding the stroke that is affected. Sometimes people with stroke have a headache, but stroke can also be completely painless. It is very important to recognize the warning signs of stroke and to get immediate medical attention if they occur.
What are the risk factors? |
Many factors can increase your risk of a stroke. A number of these factors can also increase your chances of having a heart attack. They include:
Family history. Your risk of stroke is slightly greater if one of your parents or a brother or sister has had a stroke or TIA.
Age. Your risk of stroke increases as you get older.
Sex. Stroke affects men and women about equally, but women are more likely to die of stroke than are men.
Race. Blacks are at greater risk of stroke than are people of other races. This is partly due to a higher prevalence of high blood pressure and diabetes.
High blood pressure (hypertension). High blood pressure is a risk factor for both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. It can weaken and damage blood vessels in and around your brain, leaving them vulnerable to atherosclerosis and hemorrhage.
Undesirable levels of blood cholesterol. High levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol, may increase your risk of atherosclerosis. In excess, LDLs and other materials build up on the lining of artery walls, where they may harden into plaques. High levels of triglycerides, a blood fat, also may increase your risk of atherosclerosis. In contrast, high levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol, reduce your risk of atherosclerosis by escorting cholesterol out of your body through your liver.
Cigarette smoking. Smokers have a much higher risk of stroke than do nonsmokers. Smoking contributes to plaques in your arteries. Nicotine makes your heart work harder by increasing your heart rate and blood pressure. The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke replaces oxygen in your blood, decreasing the amount of oxygen delivered to the walls of your arteries and your tissues, including the tissues in your brain.
Diabetes. Diabetes is a major risk factor for stroke. When you have diabetes, your body not only can't handle glucose appropriately, but it also can't process fats efficiently, and you're at greater risk of high blood pressure. These diabetes-related effects increase your risk of developing atherosclerosis. Diabetes also interferes with your body's ability to break down blood clots, increasing your risk of ischemic stroke.
Obesity. Being overweight increases your chance of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, atherosclerosis and diabetes — all of which increase your risk of a stroke.
Cardiovascular disease. Several cardiovascular diseases can increase your risk of a stroke, including congestive heart failure, a previous heart attack, an infection of a heart valve (endocarditis), a particular type of abnormal heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation), aortic or mitral valve disease, valve replacement, or a hole in the upper chambers of the heart known as patent foramen ovale. Atrial fibrillation is the most common condition associated with strokes caused by embolic clots. In addition, atherosclerosis in blood vessels near your heart may indicate that you have atherosclerosis in other blood vessels — including those in and around your brain.
Previous stroke or TIA. If you've already had a stroke, your risk of having another one increases. In addition, people who have had a TIA are much more likely to have a stroke as are those who haven't had a TIA.
Elevated homocysteine level. This amino acid, a building block of proteins, occurs naturally in your blood. But people with elevated levels of homocysteine have a higher risk of heart and blood vessel damage.
Use of birth control pills and hormone therapy. The risk of stroke is higher among women who take birth control pills, especially among smokers and those older than 35. However, today's low-dose pills carry a much lower risk than their earlier counterparts. Hormone therapy for menopause also carries a slightly increased risk of stroke.
In KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment centre Chinese Master Acupuncturist and Herbalist has been proven effective for stroke and it has taken many years of research before coming to our present way of medication and result. The special formulas for all types of stroke and at different stages and conditions. When you want to starts our treatment you have to e-mail to us all your history and conditions, types of food intake and current conditions and medications. Then we can guild you on the herbs prescriptions and what to DO and what not to DO and food intake. We will then continue to guild you on the next course of medications and life.
For cases that have just started it may takes only 2 weeks of intensive treatment and usually you get 90% recovery.If you had have major haemmorrage you may recover to between 80 to 95% depending on how fast you come for the treatment.
With stroke herbs, stroke neuro acupuncture, stroke diet, stroke recuperation.
True story : Multiple Strokes and coma.
Name : Christine.
Sex : Female
Age : 58.
Complain :
Her families complain that she has multiple infract (multiple stroke within 3 weeks). Now she coma in hospital and her families cannot see their daughter / sister, just lay in the bed without action, speak or laughing. she just like dead vegetable body in the bed. She is staying in his brother private hospital in Jalan Ipoh. His brother, Dr R. has know about Chinese Master in KL from one of his colleague and he also heard that Chinese Master g is the top successful traditional doctors in Malaysia , Chinese Master in acupuncture and Top Chinese Physician. He agreed to requested for Chinese Master help and ask him to do acupuncture treatment to his sister in his hospital.
After make an appointment they meet Chinese Master at Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment centre in KL and tell him about Christine condition before and after she coma and saw the MRI . Chinese Master understand and told them not to worry and he can bring Christine out of coma within 1 day till 1 months. The next day his brother brings Chinese Master to the hospital where Christine was coma. All doctors and nurses were surprised to see and meet Chinese Master, the Great Famous Chinese physician.
NEURO Stroke Acupuncture:
After see her condition, Chinese Master will do brain and body acupuncture to get him from coma and make her brain more functioning. For first time acupuncture nothing happen to her but acupuncture will keep the Qi in the brain balance and strengthen it back as before.
She still continues Chinese Master 's acupuncture and after 3 days of acupuncture then she gain back 90% conscious. She totally conscious and can even crack jokes for us. She is not longer like before just lie on the bed and don’t know yet what will happen to her. Now she very happy and more appreciate in her life. She doesn't’t waste her time and spend more her life time with her families. She satisfied on what has Chinese Master done on her.
Her families, friend, doctors, nurses and patients in hospital were very amazing with what has happen to her. They said that Chinese Master has done a magic show to her. Everybody were happy on her so as she.
Name : Lim.BK.
Age : 50
Address ; Taman Kinrara, Puchong.
One night 7:30pm on 26th June 1997, Mr. B. K. Lim came for acupuncture treatment for facial paralysis on left side of his face.
On examination and diagnosis Chinese Master found that all his left eyes, left nose, left mouth and cheek not functioning anymore and his get paralysis on his left face. Mr. Lim sad it just happen on yesterday (26th June 97) while he is working at his glass filter machine factory and he did not realize of his face but was notice by his colleague friend. He feels likes nothing happen to his face until on of his colleague asked him what’s wrong on his left face. He tries to slap on his right face and he feels pain but nothing on left side.
Mr. Lim feels so scared and worried on what has happen to him. He immediately asks for one-month leave from his factory boss. He wants to find alternative to cure his paralysis. He is more desperate to get his face back like before. He found that In KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment centre Chinese Master is the perfect place to cure his paralysis. He heard that Chinese Master has cured many cases like paralysis before.
Mr. Lim went to KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment centre and started to do acupuncture treatment. Chinese Master gives him consultation and advises him to follow his rules now. . Chinese Master told him to do intensive acupuncture if he want the best result and back to normal again. Mr Lim strictly follow Chinese Master advice and he very serious to get back his normal face.
Therefore he has to take herbal medicine for paralysis every morning and night. He has to complete his acupuncture treatment for everyday until its totally cure. After 17 days he does acupuncture, day by day he feels that his left mouth move when he smiles. His face comes back to normal completely. A lot of improvement had happen to him and its come extremely fast. He totally 90% cured but he still has to come for other treatment. Now he can laugh, smiles and do whatever he wants to his face. His left eyes can blink like before and he feels pain when he slaps his face. Now he realizes that he not dreaming anymore.
His entire colleague happy with him and now he already started his work back within 1 month. He still continues his treatment and taking the herbs.
Case-3. Stroke, Bell Palsy |
Name : C. F. Chin
Age: 48 (Nayang Institue Instructor)
Sex: Male
Marital status : Married.
He complains that his left face has uneasiness with left eye and left ear has a problem. His left face cannot move properly. When he pulls his hair at top of his head he feel very uncomfortable. This is Bell Palsy, a mild stroke. He suspected that during his younger age he had consulted a traditional curing by combing his hair from forward to backward by him (traditional) he might feel better and put something on his head. Second suspect is during fighting he had a big punch at his left face and back of head may have knocked against some other object. Physical injury from the past.
According to Chinese Master after diagnoses, he had a mild stroke. He shouldn't’t let himself stand or sit directly to air-cond or other fan. He should place it away or blow it to surrounding walls. It’s also not good for his stroke condition.
Therefore Chinese Master advise him and says that the only ways to cure his sickness is by Chinese Master's Acupuncture and taking herbal medicine . After seven sessions of acupuncture he totally cure from his sickness.
Case 4- Stroke, Bell Palsy: |
Name : Amna
Age : 38
Sex : Female.
Career: Architect
Problem :
She said that one night when she wants to sleep, suddenly she feel that her face cannot move on right side. She doesn't’t know what happen and cause of it and she try to think on what she has eaten or drink. She can’t talk, smile, blink or close her right eyes properly. She has to move her face slowly with the help of her hand and talk slowly but not clear. Sometimes when she talks, the words cannot hear correctly. She worries about her condition right now and don’t know what to do. She also can’t sleep properly at night and always wake up at midnight. When she sleeps her right eye will open and cannot close properly. She tries to sleep and close his eyes but she still can’t sleep. She can’t concentrate with her work anymore just because she cannot converse as usual, not enough sleep at night and sometimes he feels very sleepy at work. She has take 2 months leave from her company and want to find treatment for her problem. She was thinking about going to Japan to do plastic surgery. She doesn't’t know the cause of her face either the food that she takes or else. Besides that, everybody who sees her always say that she was a beautiful lady but the truth is she cannot smile now and looks very bad. If she smiles, only left mouth can move but not right side. She feels more depression when all this things happen. She desperately wants to find a solution for her face paralysis.
She then goes to see a G.P. normal doctor and her said she has facial paralysis and refer her to a nervous physician. For a few days and it got worst and that makes her feels very bad.
She can’t wait and see what will happen to his whole life. Everybody besides him always give supports and encouragement to her. She knows that all of them are really concern to her. She will try her best to find the miracle cure for herself.
On the 3rd. day, one of her friend told her about Chinese Master. Chinese Master has cured thousand of cases like her’s successfully and that friends father had the same problem and was cured by our Chinese Master in 7 days. Her friend was suggesting her to visit and get treatment from Chinese Master, one of the Chinese Master of Acupuncturist and Top Chinese Physician in the world. Her friend adored with Chinese Master capability in cured thousand of people over the world. She has set her mind that she really wants to get treatment from him. She wants to get a miracle touch from Chinese Master.
On the next day she go to KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment centre. With her friend and meet Chinese Master. After been diagnosis by Chinese Master, he told that her condition is still in early stage and luckily she comes early or her face will be paralyze forever.
Chinese Master has give his advise on her condition and what kinds of food should she takes and cannot take. Then she has to do 30 minutes acupuncture for her treatment in Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment centre KL .
NEURO Stroke Acupuncture:
He has to do right face acupuncture to strengthen back her face, to eliminates her sicknesses from basic and keeps the energy balance to eliminates the obstructed Qi . She also has to take herbal medicine to balancing the energy in the body and face and to strengthen her Qi . For first time acupuncture she feels a little bit improvement to her face. She can move a little bit of her right face. We took some photos at the very start and daily to show the actual improvement. Her body feels much better than before. For the second time acupuncture she feel that her right side of face becomes very much better especially her eye, mouth, lip and movement compare to yesterday treatment. After 6 times acupuncture, Chinese Master says that almost 80% of her right side of face has recovered.
After continuing doing acupuncture her right side of face become more fit and back to normal. She also takes boiling and pills herbs everyday. Sometimes she takes special boiling herbs and herbal powder to get her face and body more strengthen and healthy. After a several times acupuncture she feels that now she can move and make any expression on her face properly and its 90% cured. Her face paralysis is totally cured and she can sleep smoothly without right eye open and wake up at night. After all these treatment leave, now she start to her work back. She doesn't’t feels sleepy or tired at work. Her Bell Palsy disease that she been suffers for 7 days has gone with the wind. Now she can laugh, smile and sleep like other people. Finally she found the miracle touch from Chinese Master THE GREAT Master In KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment centre. She very happy on what has she done and her life totally change after he met Chinese Master. Her families and friends were happy with her improvement and condition right now and looks even prettier then before. On the last day she come for treatment, she make a surprise birthday party for Chinese Master. She brought two big birthday cakes for Chinese Master. She is really happy to celebrates Chinese Master birthday because he makes her life worth and begin again.
NEURO Stroke Brain acupuncture's to help the Qi flow and activated also treats left eye and left ear and the blockage in his brain. Some body acupuncture to strengthen and treats his basic sickness by regenerating his organ and Qi in the body. Automatically its will eliminates his sickness and get stronger than before.
Stroke Conclusion :
90% cure his Mild stroke , bell palsy in 7 treatment by Chinese Master. He can walk, run, jump and do whatever he wants after his stroke gone.
Others of our HOUSE OF MIRACLES.