Heaven's Seventh Acre Horses!

General care and feeding routines for Minis

mini babies!
Generally Miniature horses are very easy to care for!

Some of the basic needs are Shelter, Feed and ALWAYS clean water! Most Miniature horses can be kept in small paddocks very comfortably, as long as fresh clean hay (forage) and feed (such as oats, sweet feed, corn, or commercially manufactured pellets) are provided. The amounts to feed a small horse vary with their size and weight.

For example a "larger" Miniature of about 250lbs and as tall as 36" would only need aproximately 1/2 to 1 cup of "grain" twice a day along with about 1 "flake" of hay split into two feedings. Of course if pasture is abundant then the need for the hay would be less, or non-exhistant. Most miniatures appear to do well with-out any grain if they are kept on excellent pasture land, however most people prefer to feed them the comercial "pelleted" feed to ensure that their minis are receiving all the vitamins and minerals that may NOT be found in the pasture.

Just a note! ***IF THE FEED SMELLS SOUR OR MOLDY TO YOU, IT MAY BE "BAD" AND YOU SHOULD NOT FEED IT TO YOUR HORSE! Read the label on your feed bags for storage suggestions! Heat and humidity can make feed go "bad" very quickly. Take the time to notice changes in the aroma of your feed!


In feeding your mini, keep in mind that too FAT is not good! Neither would be too THIN! If your mini is too FAT, he/she can run the risk of "founder" (which in simple terms that might be easier to understand...means....the minis FEET rot off!----This is not what actually takes place with FOUNDER but it may help you to understand a little easier than an indepth explaination)

Veterinary care is as important for your miniature horse as it is for Larger horses! Vaccinations can be expensive, but in the long run they can SAVE you money and HEARTBREAK by preventing any number of illnesses or diseases! It is VERY important to have a good relationship with your Veterinarian and to keep your mini on a routine vaccination program. Always ask any little question you may have! An unasked question will never be answered! Most Veterinarians love their clients who show a genuine quest for knowledge, and are more than happy to provide a written itinerary for Vaccinations/wormings/farrier care and even dietary needs of individual MINIS!

*Worming! Keeping your Mini on a regular worming routine insures that you are feeding YOUR MINI!! NOT the worms! Most wormers can be purchased through your feed store and are easy to administer yourself...take time to READ the label on the wormer, and to accurately dispense the proper amount to your horse. "Rotating" wormers refers to using a "different" product each time you worm and eventually using them in a "rotating" order. Each wormer has different ingredients, and treat for different types of parasites. So by ROTATING the use of the different wormers you ensure that you are treating your mini for ALL of them! The individual wormers have a suggested time frame between wormings printed right on their labels. Usually every 4-8 weeks.

*Farrier care (HOOF or foot trimming) is Very important to keep your little horse "sound" (Healthy) If a horse's feet are allowed to grow too long, the pressure of the foot growing pulls the tendons on the back of the leg, which can "Cripple" your little one! An average time span between "trimming" is usually from 6-8 weeks. And opposed to the cost of losing your mini is relatively inexpensive!

Love my MINIS!


MINIS are the sweetest little guys! Take Care to give YOURS the very best possible!

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