The Hee Haw Book Service
The Hee Haw Book Service is your source for hard-to-find books on Donkeys, Mules, and other Equine Hybrids.  We carry most Donkey and Mule training and education books currently in print.  If we don't have a book available, we can usually help you find the source for your needs. 

Our full Hee Haw catalog is also available for Free as hard copy - just send us an e-mail request - be sure to send your full postal mailing address with your request. 

If you need additional information about Donkeys, Mules, Hinnies, or Zebra Hybrids such as registration forms, flyers, handouts, etc, just let us know or visit the
ADMS Website.

If you are familiar with the ADMS site, but just need registration forms, we're building a new Forms Only site at

online Registration form is now available!

Hee Haw Book Service

PO Box 1210, Lewisville TX
75067 (972) 219-0781 phone
(972) 420-9980 fax

Cupid and Thor, Mascots of the American Donkey and Mule Society
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LINKS                                  NEW!  Jewelry & gift items! 

We are currently working on an online ordering form - we will post the link asap.  Thank you!

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