My Chariot

As God in Heaven looked down upon me
He said "I am sending a chariot to thee"
"Ignore the evil spirit that lurks outside"
"My army of angels will cast it aside"

"Fear not what awaits you, it's time to abide"
"My angels of mercy will soon be your guide"
"Close your eyes and succumb, your time has come"
"For what has happened cannot be undone"

"You have fulfilled your duty as a human being"
"Putting others first without really seeing"
"How your unselfish acts have taken their toll"
"On the child I created and her dutiful soul"

His words embraced me and soothed my fear
As I lay in bed with my friends gathered near
So I did as He asked and closed my eyes
To let my ears tell me when the chariot arrives

The angels of protection and salvation drew near
The chariot followed with more angels in the rear
Descending from the bridge that led to Heaven's gate
His army of angels came to meet my fate

Their warmth and love transferred through my veins
My spirit transcended and latched to the chariot reins
The life I had lived flashed before my eyes
Today was the day God wanted me to die

November 14, 2000
Copyright © 2000~Heidi~

All rights reserved
No reproduction of this material is allowed without written permission from the author or the artist

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Other Poems Written For The Circle:
Circle of Life
His Temple
Miracle of Life
The Road That He Paved
Just Human

Visit My Other Poetry Pages:
Heart and Soul
The Place
Remember Dad
The Exchange
Hole In The Heart
Trust and Betrayal
Now and Then

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The Dash

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