Helium Bomb Tribute Page - One fan, one dream, one funny ass page.

Honest Engine - Utah's best local band! Well, besides us of course.

Hektik.org - They linked us, I linked them.

Norml.org - Mikes favorite political site.

Hemp Power Utah - A Utah site dedicated to legalizing weed.

Marijuana.com - Pretty self explanitory.

High Times - More Weed! They got clean piss here too.

Napster - Easily one of the best programs out there today. Get any song you want in .MP3 format from a million other users.

Boo to pay!

Unsound Mind - Local band. I hear they throw kick ass partys.

Hot Skating Grandma - Words can't describe how hard I laughed when I saw this page.

The Man Show - Hell yeah!

AFI - Good band, good show.

NOFX - The Decline, Pods and Gods, need I say more? Now worship.

Fat Wreck Chords - Helium Bombs future record label.

Pennywise - Kick ass band, and a kick ass logo!


Ba de ba de ba de uh thats all folks! For now at least....