By Mike

Recently, while strangely sober, I attended a Bad Religion concert at the state fairpark horticulture building. Now, this building kind of sucks for concerts, the acoustics are for shit, but it still was probably a good idea to move it from the bricks, as Bricks would have exploded from overcrowding. Hardcore band Ignite opened the set, and I must say, I was very impressed. Imagine if Sick of it All was giving it up the ass to A.F.I. and you about have their sound, I definitely plan on getting their album. But I'll tell you this much, if those pretty boy piece of shit asshole mother fuckers from the 2nd band The Promise Ring so much as even get held over in the airport of this town again, Helium Bomb will track them down, tie them up, and sodomize them until they apologize for wasting an hour of my life on their pussy emo bullshit. These guys make Unwritten Law look like The Exploited for hell's sake. In fact, the whole they were playing, I kept wishing The Exploited, would pop out of no wear, beat the living shit out of them and start playing Punk's not Dead so everyone could beat the shit out of all the pussies and their girlfriends who were hugging and kissing to this bullshit excuse for music.In my opinion, while Bad Religion is busy apologizing for turing with pretty boy shitheads Blink 182, they should throw in an apology for subjecting us to these assholes. DEAR PROMISE RING, FUCK YOU, LOVE HELIUM BOMB. Promise Ring and Blink 182 aside, Greg Graffin would have to appear in a Pepsi commercial with Christina Aguilera on MTV to make me lose any respect for him. In fact, if he did that, I'd still respect all that he has done up to this point, and I'd take off to L.A. with a sniper suit and a rifle so I could take him out and he could be remembered in a mostly good way. Even the new album The New America, which in my opinion sucks, only sucks because it is a Bad Religion album. If any other band had put it out it would have been a pretty good album, The New America only sucked because Bad Religion is capable of so much more. That said, this is definitely in the top 10 concerts I've ever been to. It beat the last Bad Religion show by far. Old school fans would have even been pleased, as very few new album tunes were played and many old favorites were. Anesthesia, Do What You Want (I got knocked on my ass during both songs) American Jesus, Suffer, Delirium of Disorder, Against the Grain and so on. As usual there were plenty of songs that weren't played that I really wish would have been, Best for You, Give you Nothing,I want to conquer the world, to name a few, but that's what happens when you get a band with as many good songs as Bad Religion. The band was in top form and put to rest any doubts that they haven't aged gracefully or have sold out. Fuck you all, Bad Religion kicks ass