Varghyu | ![]() |
The one horned Varghyu or "infiltrators" of the Iuz host, these creatures are shapechangers, and skilled assassins. They also have strange vampiric powers that allow them to steal the very attributes of ability that distinguish us. This is most easily effected by the demon taking bodily possession of its victim, but can be done externally by means of a bite. They possess strong hypnotic and mental powers to confound all but those of the strongest willpower. They can manipulate our fears against us, making their opponents dither in indecisiveness or even turn them against their friends and allies. |
Vrocks | ![]() |
The vulture demons of Tanar they are cruel and stupid, but with an ability to fascinate with their hypnotic eyes. They are the shock troops of the Iuz host . |
Svetx | ![]() |
The Two horned Svetx are the evil cavaliers of the host. They have excellent skill with weapons and high magic resistance. |
Erinyes | ![]() |
These three horned harpy-succubi are the magical adepts of the IUZ host. Their greatest weapons are deceit, illusion and mental spells. They frequently appear as beautiful women. In this form they often seduce men and produce the Iuz cambions (see below). They possess strong hypnotic and mental powers to confound all but those of the strongest willpower. They can manipulate our fears against us, making their opponents dither in indecisiveness or even turn them against their friends and allies. |
Bilwhr | ![]() |
This monstrous combination of ape, boar, and goat known in legend as the Lords of Pain. These fiends have magics of torment and pain and thus are used mainly to interrogate and torment prisoners of the host. |
Byakhee | ![]() |
These demon-bats are the heralds and messengers of the Iuz Host, They are strong in Naalite magic. They are often command flights of Clakar (see below) and attack enemy spellcasters. They are often used by the Varghyu to take captives to the Bilwhr for interrogation |
Balrogi | ![]() |
The Captains of the Iuz Host, sometimes called Pit Fiends. They are called the "Iuz" (LORD) by lesser members of the Host, although the entire Iuz host is often referred to as "Iuz" by outsiders. They are fearsome spellcasters and warriors. They have skill in pyromancy and other magics as well. When they are in a group of Iuz, all the Iuz are linked in their powers so that the lesser among them can call on the strengths offensive and defensive of the great amongst them. Thus all Tanar'ri (Iuz host or allies) encountered in a group with a Balrog have the capabilities of the all the members of that group. The range of this power seems limited to perhaps a dozen yards or less, and there are limits on how many of the demons can be linked together in this way, but it remains an awesome power. Iuz captains very in size and power, from 12' tall to some towering 100' or more. |
Hezrou | ![]() |
These demon-toads are a variety of the Slaad from the Nether plane of Tanar, not truly of the Iuz host but rather allied. Not much is known about them. They are sometimes called Slaad Assassins as they like to prey on other Slaadi, particularly their young. |
Aisharpa (Marilith) | ![]() |
These multi-armed half-serpentine demons are known as the "Devastators". They are creatures of the blackest vengeance, and are kin to Nagas long ago banished to the Nether plane of Tanar. They have great spellcasting powers similar to those of clerics, as well as formidable warrior skills. |
Yzarn | ![]() |
The demon-bugs of the Abyss have long been recruited as servitors not only of the Iuz, but of the Pelai, Dark Summoners and other powers. Only the lesser Yzarn are thus employed as a rule in this capacity, but greater Yzarn might be induced as allies of the Iuz for suitable rewards. They have acid for blood, have viscious bites from multifaceted jars that extend out to snap at prey, sharp claws and a sword like tail with serrated edges. They are quick, agile and clever in a cunning sort of way. |
Dharzighuin | ![]() |
These vulture-hounds are the dreaded trackers of the Iuz, half vulture and half dog, some are winged most are not. Deverin has personal experience with these creatures having been rescued by the Tabrechi from these creatures. Created by ancient wizards known as the Dharzi from before the time of man. |
Shuggoths | No Image (You would have to make a sanity check just to gaze on them ) | These "Juggernauts of Devastation"are sometimes summoned by the Iuz host during sieges or great battles. They are difficult to control and so are used sparingly by the Iuz, as they have been known to turn on their summoners in battles. They inspire fear as well as madness, creating panic in the hosts of those in battle against the Iuz. Huge, powerful, highly resistant to magic, they leave nothing in their wake consuming all living things they encounter, down to the smallest blade of grass. |
Clakar | ![]() |
Winged simian bounty-hunters. Their wings extend out from two humps on their back only in flight, which allows the Clakar great mobility on the ground. They are adept climbers as well as aerial acrobats. They are said to have some Naalite magical powers. |
Iuz Cambion | ![]() |
Cambion is the general term for demon spawn. Iuz cambions are the offspring of Erinyes. These Half-human, half-Iuz demon spawn can more easily adapt to the material world than their pure blooded demon cousins. They typically by means of illusion or alteration magics can transform themselves to pass as ordinary persons. They are often enlisted by the Varghyu as agents. |
*Such Servitors of the Iuz cannot be linked to Balrogi to enhance their powers.
The creatures wax and wane in their defenses depending on how long they have been in the material world and how recently they have fed on blood and souls and their particular locations. These demons are adapted to a different dimension and are thus not attuned to the harmonic vibrations of the Prime Material. Their powers will fluctuate depending on the current resonance of a certain area, and in some locales they will be extremely weak in the offense as well as highly vulnerable to attack |
A spell can only be used against them once and then all of those in the group (if it contains a Balrog), will be immune to the effects of the spell for many days even if the spell has been cast against only one of their number. Without a Balrog the demons acquire their immunities independently. Lightning attacks can reset this, but it is unclear how lightning resets such immunities when there is a Balrog. Magical weapons similarly decline in efficacy against them over time. Mundane weapons do minimal damage against them, but never decline in their ability to damage small as it is. |
Iuz will be more vulnerable to items of this plane without a strong magical resonance. Iron and steel even without magical enchantment are natural resonators of magic and thus even mundane weapons of that metal are less than effective against them. This is true to a lesser extent of bronze weapons. Weapons of wood and stone would be highly effective. The stone should not be of obsidian as that is also a magical resonator. Flint tipped spears, fire hardened spears, stone axes, etc. |
When they possess the body of a mortal, they are not in their full possession of their powers. |