The wearing, keeping and inscribing of magickally potent objects threads its way through all civilisations. A talisman possesses occult strength, with the power to attract some advantage to its owner, whereas an amulet is preventative, and wards off danger and evil. Precious gems and birthstones, metals, herbs and strips of parchment with legends written on them, are the most common forms.


Signs and sigils

There are many traditional signs, or sigils, that are honoured for their virtues as an integral part of magick. You may wish to use one in your spells, or incorporate it into your special lucky charm.


Spring sigil

Amulet against the evil eye

Magick circle

Magickal talismans

Magickal talismans can benefit the magician for any number of reasons. These are some of the most powerful known in the occult world, derived from cabalistic tradition.

A personally created talisman carry more impact and magickal power than ready made ones.


Making and consecrating a magickal talisman

Copy on to parchment paper in green ink, as closely as you can, the talisman that you have chosen (right click the picture then click on Save As. You can then print the picture to make it easier)

Either at dawn or at midnight on a Saturday night, light a lavender coloured candle and sandalwood incense.

Place your talisman before the candle and sprinkle it lightly with salt.

Visualise for two minutes a strong mystic ray of golden light coming from above you and going straight into your talisman, and say as you look at the talisman:

O Talisman, whose power and virtues were known to the ancients,

I invoke thee by the heavenly host and by the elements of fire, wind

earth and rain: that thou shalt be cleansed of all negative forces and obtain

powerful positive energy to perform the work required of you from this

moment on. By the splendour of the heavens I will this to be done


Cover the talisman with a clean white linen cloth and leave for 24 hours. Once this has past, keep the talisman in your purse or pocket, but preferably folded up into a locket or brooch so it's kept close to the skin.


Always remember that talisman's are very powerful and should only be used with extreme caution. Not all of the ones listed here are recommended for use, but I have put them in just to let people know about them. Please, be very careful.



Cabalistic pentacle of Mars

Endowed with all the qualities associated with the War Lord Mars. The magician's aid for gaining courage, ambition and attainment of difficult physical fears. Ideal for sportsmen, athletes, bodybuilders, weight lifters and for anyone in the military.

Cabalistic Pentacle of the Moon

A protective talisman for all whose work is connected with water or the sea.

Solomanic pentacle of Venus

This is a strong talisman for arousing the  passion of someone of the opposite sex. Try and wear this in such a manner that it will be visible to the person you are seeking to influence/

Solomanic pentacle of Mercury

This increases the personal magnetism of its owner. Wear it or carry it on occasions when you wish to impress, or persuade another, of a certain matter

The Schemhamphoras Holy talisman

Taken from the magickal "sixth and seventh books of Moses" this is a must for the magician eager for financial gain. In all matters of business finance, this very potent talisman is famous in occult circles for its power to effect a favourable outcome for one's plans.

Saturnian Domination Pentacle of Domination

To be carried by the magician when he wishes to forcibly convince or persuade someone to comply with his wishes. (not recommended)

Solomanic Pentacle of the Sun

Incorporates Lord Sol's vibrations for good fortune, success, power, riches and honour.

Major Cabalistic pentacle of the Sun

An all-purpose talisman, exerting a favourable outcome to any kind of situation a magician is seeking to influence.

Minor cabalistic pentacle of the Sun

This repels those who try to obstruct successful outcomes of magician's plans

Second pentacle of Mars

Features an energising symbolism and magickal code that, when placed against an afflicted area of the body, will energise that area and speed up the healing process. Some skins are allergic to metal so the talisman inscribed on parchment may be better for this purpose.

Major pentacle of Jupiter

This talisman helps with financial fortune, riches, honour and glory.

Minor pentacle of Jupiter

If financial hardship is upon you this talisman will keep the 'wolf away from the door' so to speak. Wear or carry it of you are in debt, facing bankruptcy or similar financial difficulty.

Ancient concentration Talisman

Gives success in study. Before an exam, or before a driving test, say these magick words:

Ritas, Ambas, Zamarath

Success is then assuured

Ancient Luck in gambling talisman

Noted for the luck it can bring in lotteries, bingo, card games, etc. Whilst shuffling cards or buying lottery tickets, say these magick words:

Rokes Pilatus

Black magick lust talisman

For the male intent on seduction carry this talisman and before coming into presence of the woman concerned, say these magick words:

Nades, Suradis, Maniner

Uncovering secret enemies talisman

Have this talisman in your possession when you expect to be in the company of someone whom you expect to be a secret enemy. Before seeing them say the magick words:

Noctur Raban

Your enemy, if he be your enemy, will then unwittingly give himself away by saying or doing something unintentionally.

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