Two updates in two days let alone one week -_^. Well a bunch of new pictures in photography added and friends space was added. More will be coming as I have time and this is the last day of offical summer *cries* - Sept. 21, 2004
Today was the wrap up on my updates for the month (I think). I just added accouple more pictures of the family and friend (some I did not take personally in friends). The next time I update is all up to how much need there is for one, enjoy ^_^. - Oct. 15, 2004
Time for a bit of house cleaning , nothing too drastic but I deleted one image and added another one I am proud of , it's called pain. I plan to make a serious of drawings similar to this  - June 11, 2004
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Reproduction without owners concent is prohibited
Main Gallery
Welcome to the site!
Glad to see you have taken a interest in my site and I hope it lives up to your expectations. On this site you will find my art work, my photography and information dealing with my latest projects. Also for anyone interested  there is a short bio on me with a link to email me.Any updates to the site will be listed below under the update bar and links to interesting sites found below.  Simply click on the desired page in the nav bar (the red underlined words above ). Enjoy!  
About Me
Updates !!!
Don't forget to check out these cool sites before you leave!
Well it has a been a long while since I have touched this site, mostly due to getting a deviant art account (link in link section). Well on to the update, added some of my watercolour paintings to the gallery, added some links and fixed accouple bugs with the display of the site on certain computers - March 1, 2005
My poetry site - Demons Of Eternity
UPDATE!!! Yes your vision is fine, I finally updated this site (not that the update was epic or anything). I added two new pictures of me and three new draws. I also added a 4th gallery page to accomidate the new drawings. Another update will be occuring in the near future (thank my study hall timeslot). Hope you enjoy the new stuff and I hope I will not be getting 10 emails a day asking me to update my site. Thanks for stopping by.   - May 15, 2004
My Deviant Art Account
Garage Inc. - A friend's band site