Graduation Speech 2002








今年AYFの七期生は日本語の能力試験の二級で良い成績を収め、修了試験では全員が合格して、日本に留学する切符を手にすることができました。 また、去年の九月にジャパン・クラブで行われたスピーチコンテストでオンさんは三位に入賞しました。私達はそれらはAYFの皆で達成したことだと感じています。 








Honored guests, beloved AYF teachers and staff, fellow students, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning.  

It is my honor and privilege to speak before you as Chairman of the 7th AYF Batch. It is exactly a year ago today that I spoke during the graduation ceremony of the 6th AYF Batch. When before I talked about facing new challenges and dreaming dreams, today I wish to talk about reaping the fruits of hard work and perseverance, the elements required in order to make our dreams a reality. 

I wish to reiterate what I said last year that the AYF Program is an adventure, a journey of discovery, a quest for knowledge. Today we hold in our hearts and minds the rewards of that adventure. Not only have we learned Japanese, we also learned valuable lessons about ourselves, other people and their cultures. More importantly, we learned more about friendship and about life. In friendship, we learned to open our hearts and our minds wider, to be more tolerant of other people’s religion, ideas and ideology, and even the way they talk, dress, and eat. To be more appreciative of their strong points and talents and less discriminating of their shortcomings. In life, we need friends. From friends, we learn how to live life more fully. This is one of the important lessons we learn in AYF.  

Today, it is my honor to announce that the 7th AYF Batch now holds the distinction of having the highest number of passers in the 2nd Level Japanese Proficiency Examination in AYF history. The 7th AYF Batch also holds the highest passing average in the same examination. I, together with my batchmates, are also particularly proud of Ong-san for bagging the 3rd prize in the Annual Japanese Speech Contest held last September. This is the first time an AYF student won in that speech contest. 

These are the fruits of our labor. These accomplishments, however, we owe to our teachers. To Oosawa sensei, for her patience and guidance. She has been an epitome of what a teacher should be – firm yet gentle, considerate and encouraging. To Fujisawa sensei, for his clarity in teaching, for the enjoyable trips he organized, and for understanding that sometimes we have to speak in English to be understood. To Bandai sensei, for being funny, light-hearted, kirei, and for serving as an inspiration to all of us specially to Long-san. To Inomata sensei, for teaching us effective ways of listening and remembering kanji characters. To all our senseis, we thank you for your help, guidance, perseverance, and moral support. You will forever remain in our hearts. 

We also would like to acklowledge the support of our special guests from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Without them, AYF would not have been able to achieve what it has achieved for the past several years. AYF will not be what it is today, a highly regarded and succesful program. Thank you very much. 

We also owe a lot to the AYF staff. First and foremost, to Konta-san for being our “father” in AYF. To Fujimoto-san, for the uncountable times you helped us with our studies, personal needs, and for simply being there as a friend. To Tun-san, for the delicious lunch you served us last Hari Raya and for facilitating all our requests. To Chun-san, for his good driving, and his patience during times when we are late. We also wish to extend our thanks to Nakano-san for all her help in our university placements. 

In closing, I want to wish the 8th AYF batch, in behalf of my batchmates, Good Luck and may you receive the same blessings that we received in the 14 months that we have spent in AYF. I hope that you prepare well for your studies in Japan. The real worth  of your AYF scholarship can only be determined by your performance in your studies in Japan. After all, what you learn in AYF will just be one of many tools that you will need in order to hurdle the many challenges you will face before you can finally graduate from a Japanese university. I also challenge you to do as well if not better than we did in your Japanese language lessons. However, bear in mind that more than anything else, the language of AYF is friendship. Hence, be a friend to each other, here in AYF and in the future. The friendship that you forge in AYF will serve to bridge our countries. That is the ultimate objective of AYF – Bridging Asia Through Friendship. Once again, Good luck and gambarimashoi! Thank you and good day.



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