Ah, California ... spritely land of ease and social mirth. Well, something like that. If the architecture of New York City is about the vertical, the architecture of Los Angeles is about the horizontal, spreading out in all directions as the image on the right shows. There are even palm trees in Los Angeles! Let's look around!
The Earl Carroll Theatre-Restaurant in the Heart of Hollywood on Sunset Boulevard near Vine is a favourite Nite Spot in the Film Capital of the World. Seating arrangements are terraced so all guests may enjoy unobstructed view of the lavish stage production featuring "Sixty of the Most Beautiful Girls in the World." We can also star-gaze at the Brown Derby!
The Hollywood Bowl is a natural ampitheatre where 20,000 people listen during three nights of each summer week to the finest music from a great symphony orchestra directed by famous conductors. The entrance to the Bowl is marked by this beautiful monumental fountain.
Radio City & the NBC Studios: "Sunset and Vine" in the heart of glamorous Hollywood is the hub of the entertainment world. At this famous intersection and nearby are located the Pacific Coast headquarters of four national broadcasting networks, as well as theatres and the best cafes, affording a continuous round of pleasure.
Grauman's Chinese Theatre: this world famous theatre is the scene of some of the most spectacular Premieres. In the cement paving of the forecourt prominent stars, both past and present, have left their signatures, hand and footprints as mementos to their admiring public.

Chinatown: The brilliantly lighted buildings of Oriental architecture, with fantastic towers and pagodas, New Chinatown in Los Angeles is a quaint and fascinating community. Shops crowded with art treasures of the Orient and Chinese restaurants serving delicately flavored foods, attract nightly crowds.
Union Station: Covering 40 acres  & costing 11 million dollars, is a beautiful example of the Spanish architecture of Southern California & makes an appropriate entrance into Los Angeles for visitors. The tropical plants & beautiful drives, walk ways & shady patios add to the charm of this modern terminal.