Obligatory Self Portrait Page
Here's a photo of myself and my friend Nadine. She's the very quiet type. I'm trying out my own "silent type" routine on her. I don't know if it's working or not.I borrowed Harold Lloyd's glasses for this shot, but the hat is mine. Taken at work, once again.
What would a webpage be without a photograph of its creator? What, indeed! Rather neglect this vital aspect of web creation, I present two self portratis taken at work.

  Funky necklace ... Nehru shirt ... dashboard hula guy ... appropriately manipulated to create that Now Sound For Your Eyes look. Groovy, baby!

  Here's what some of my friends had to say ...

  "Meow, baby!" ~ Snow

   "I'm digging your trippy photo!" ~ William

  "You look like you could be in a Peter Sellers film!" ~ Val

   "You look like you could be an extra in a 60s or 70s film!" ~ Alan