Fuzzy Pink Bunny Slippers Guide to the Wonderful World of Anime
Ok, Ok,  This really dose sound like a feminine web site.... But the truth is my favorite color is yellow, and (due to more than a few bad experiences) I think rabbits are evil incarnate. Then why, you ask, do I make a title so outrageous. Actualy it's rather simple. You see one of the three people who introduced me to the "Wonderful World of Anime" had this insane idea to draw a picture of me and a few other people as old folks. Yours truly wearing fuzzy pink bunny slipers... Hence the name.......
You are Bunny Slipper number
To visit my Anime World!!!!!
My Top 10 Animes
Everything(unless noted otherwise) on this page is copyrighted.I do not claim responsibility for making any pictures (unless otherwise noted), Story lines or chaircters.
This page is under some MAJOR construction!!!!
e-mail me at joe_ma_mah@hotmail.com
The Chibi Rock
Boy-Type Hotties
I made this one :)
Note: If you GUYS out there would send me  about who are the "girl-type hotties". I'll open a page for them
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Sorry for the lack of updates... I've been kind of busy lately...I promise to be better!