

Family anonaceae

Scientific name: anona reticulata l.

 local names

            anonas(most dialects)


            bullock's heart(eng)

            custard apple(eng)

 traditional uses

            A. root

                        decoction taken for epilepsy.

            B. Bark

                        1.powder given in diarrhea and dysentery

                        2.decoction used as wound wash

            C. leaves

                        1. juice of fresh leaves taken to expel                             intestinal worms

                        2.poultice used to promote pus formation

                        3. pulotice applied to children with                             indigestion


                        1.eaten to expel intestinal worms.

                        2.unripe dried fruit used in diarrhea

                        3.unripe dried also used as wound wash


                        1.crushed and mixed with oil and applied for                            scabies and hair lice.


Research findings

            bark and seeds contain much tannic acid. bark contains alkaloid.

            fruit is rich in pectin. it contains 6.2% dextrose and 4.2% levulose

            seed has alkaloid with insecticidal properties.


food values

            anonas fruit is good source of Vitamin C and carbohydrates.


Recommended medicinal uses

            for diarrhea: eat fruit (preferably unripe), as tolerated.


Botanical and agricultural characteristics

            Habit: tree

            Habitat: settled areas

            Propagation: seed, marcotting, grafting branches