
 Family bixaceae

 Scientific name: Bixa orellana l.

 Local names

            Achiti (Ilk)

            Achote (Tag)

            Achoete (Tag)

            Apatut (Gad)

Asoti (Ibn)

Asuite (Ilk)

Asuti (Tag)

Atseuete (Tag)

Atsiute (Sbl)

Atsuite (Ilk)

Atsuete (most dialect)

Chanang (Sul)

Chotes (S L Bis)

Janang (Sul)

Sotis (C Bis)

Annat t. (Engl)


Traditional uses

 a.       bark

1.      decoction taken for colds and cough

2.      decoction taken to prevent relapse of certain fevers

b.      leaves

1.      poultice applied for headaches.

c.       seeds

1.      taken to prevent relapse of certain fevers

2.      counteract effect of certain plant poisons

3.      decoction taken for diarrhea, dysentery and stomach ache

4.      decoction used as gargle for pharyngitis, as nasal wash, or vaginal was and as wound wash

5.      poultice applied to control bleeding of superficial wound

6.      poultice applied for burns


reseach findings

             fruits coloring matter is bixin

            seeds contain volatile fatty oil with palmitin and traces of stearin alkaloids saponin and tannin.

 Food values

            Seed used to give attractive color to certain dishes


Recommended medicinal use

            As wond wash: boil enough crushed seeds in a small pot of water. Use decoction when cold.


Botanical and agricultural characteristics

            Habit: tree

            Habitat: settled areas

            Propagation: seed