
Family oxalidaceae

Scientific name: Averrhoa carambola l.

Local names

            Balimbing (Sul, Tag, Bik)

            Balimbin (Tag)

            Balingbing (Bik, C. Bis)

            Daligan (Ilk)

            Dalihan (Ibn)

            Garahan (Bis)

            Galañgan (P. Bis)

Galuran (Ibn)

            Garulan (Ibn)

            Malimbin (S.L. Bis)     

            Sirinate (Ting)

Traditional uses

a.       roots

1.      decoction taken in for delayed menstruation

b.      leaves

1.poultice applied for headache, rheumatism, pimples, ringworm, itches, mumps and chicken pox, and on the abdomen of women about to give birth

2.decoction used as wash for skin ulcers and as aromatic bath

3.decoction used as gargle for inflammation of the throat and as wash for                                     white eruptions in the mouth caused by fungus

                  4.decoction taken in to stop vomiting

c.       flowers

1.      poultice applied on skin diseases

2.      infusion used as gargle in tonsillitis

3.      infusion taken in for cough

4.      eaten to expel worm

d.      fruits

1.      poultice applied on bleeding hemorrhoids

2.      mild decoction used as eyewash against eye infections

3.      juice used as urethal injection at start of urethiritis among males

4.      ade taken as a cooling drink for fever

5.      eaten to raleive diarrhea and dysentery

6.      eaten to stimulate the appetite, regulate the flow of saliva and promote bowel movement

e.       seed

1.      infusion taken in for gas pain and jaundice

2.      infusion, decoction or tincture taken in to stimulate the reproductived organ and to increase the flow of milkand menstrual fluid

3.      strong decoction taken in for abortion and to injudice vomiting

4.      powder taken in for asthma and to relieve pain

Research findings

            leaves contain alkaloid

            seeds contain saponin, tannin, glucosides and formic acids

food values

            the fresh fruit is usally eaten with salt. It can be made into pickles and sweets, the juice is often used for seasoning . it is fair source of iron, vitamin B, vitamin c, it is laso contain oxalic acid and potassium oxalate.

Recommended medicinal uses

            For fever as cooling drink: prepare ade by crashing 2 or 3 ripe fruits

 In a glass of water. Add sugar to taste.

Botanical and agricultural characteristics

            Habit: small tree

            Habitat: settled areas at low altitude

            Propagation: seed