Three Ravens Iseum


Founder: White Raven Woman

Dedicated to: Menrva, Epona, Morgan, Vesta

Founding Date: December 21, 2005

Goals: The goal of Three Ravens Iseum is to foster healing and a higher level of spirituality via the creative arts. All art forms, whether painting, drawing, writing, weaving, cooking or gardening, open our being to the Divine. This opening allows us to achieve a more meaningful experience of the divine within ourselves and with all of life. Great healing is able to take place once the natural creative process is allowed to manifest. Each and everyone of us is an artist. Each and everyone of us has the ability to create. And in creating we honor Goddess and ourselves. In creating, real healing begins. Three Ravens also honors the Divine Hearth Center of the home. The home is the center of family unity, familial relations and security in our lives. By honoring the home we maintain our link to the divine within all of us.

Four Goddesses, but only three ravens:  The three ravens of Three Ravens Iseum are Menrva, Epona and Morgan. Vesta is the hearth fire of the Iseum and is represented by the triangle in the middle of our symbol.




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