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  We are all Gaia’s children. Just as we have many names and many different faces so too does the goddess. Gaia, Isis, Ishtar, Venus, Bloduwedd, Ana-Kara…

  Whatever name you know Her by, she is one and the same. The Great Goddess wears many masks, she is known in every language, in every culture of the world. Though She often had to hide, Her presence prevailed. We find her image carved over the entrance to an ancient convent, in the darkest recesses of a Middle Eastern cave and in our fairy tale stories. Despite much persecution, she has survived.

  The following pages contain the many names of the goddess. It is by no means all-inclusive, for the goddess has many names that have been forgotten and have yet to be rediscovered. Perhaps you will discover one of her secret names. In a moment of deep trance or transformation, perhaps She will reveal herself once more.

  Go with peace in your heart and open yourself wide to her presence………

            The following books have been used in the compilation of this list of Goddess names:

The New Book of Goddesses & Heroines   by Patricia Monaghan (Llewellyn Publications)
The Goddess Path   by Patricia Monaghan (Llewellyn Publications)
365 Goddesses   by Patricia Telesco (Harper Collins Publishers)
The Storyteller’s Goddess by Carolyn Edwards (Harper SanFransisco)

The following links will bring you to the goddess lists. To return to the main index,
use the White Raven button at the bottom of the page.

A-C         D-H

I-M          N-S


Gaia--Guardian of this page and all the children of the world
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