The Herdstone

"Move it you pigs!!!"   Gorthor the Beastlord
Gorthor..... 510 points
Chariot..... 110 points

Gorthor will be accompanied by a retinue worth 400 or more points chosen from the Beastmen Retinue list. If you decide to include Gorthor he will always be your General.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Gorthor 4 6 5 5 5 3 5 3 8
Chariot - - - 7 7 3 1 - -
Bagrar 4 4 3 3 4 2 3 1 7
Tuskgor 7 3 0 4 4 2 2 1 3

Weapons/Armour: Gorthor carries a gigantic spear, the Impaler, and wears the Cloak of the Beastlord. he rides in a chariot, equipped with scythed wheels, pulled by two Tuskgors. His Beastman charioteer, Bagrar, carries a whip that counts as a hand weapon.

Magic Spells: As a Master Shaman Gorthor can have three spells from the Chaos spells or Dark Magic deck.

Special Rules

Any regiment of Beastmen within 12" of Gorthor will be immune to the effects of infighting. When Gorthor is present the Beastmen simply don't dare to squabble amongst themselves.

Bagrar the Tamer: Gorthor's chariot is driven by Bagrar, his loyal charioteer. As long as Bagrar is alive, Gorthor's chariot is allowed to add D6" to its pursuit move. Note that Bagrar is not a character, and no rules that apply to character apply to Bagrar.

Magic Items

Gorthor carries three magic items, and these have already been included in his points cost. These magic items are unique to Gorthor and only he may have them.

The Impaler: Magic Weapon 60points
The Impaler gives a +2 bonus to Gorthor's Strength while charging. If all of Gorthor's 4 attacks with the Impaler score 4 or more on their 'to hit' rolls against a model, that model is killed outright with no need to roll to wound. This applies every turn, not just when charging. No saves of any kind apply.

The Skull of Mugrar: Enchanted Item 50 points
The curse of the Skull of Mugrar affects all enemy models in base contact with Gorthor or his chariot. Any enemies fighting against him or his chariot will suffer a -1 penalty to their rolls to hit and to wound.

The Cloak of the Beastlord: Enchanted Item 50 points
The Cloak of the Beastlord lies under a powerful enchantment which will absorb the first D6 wounds that are caused against Gorthor in a battle. Note that this applies both to Gorthor, his chariot, the Tuskgors pulling it and Bagrar, his charioteer. Roll a D6 at the beginning of the battle to determine how many wounds will be absorbed.