Welcome to my homepage!

Let me introduce myself.  I am Julius Hermawan.  I am an analyst and programmer.  Like coding, I also like to write .. anything from articles for any issues, short stories and also book.  Writing is expressing my idea, my opinion, and my interest.

This homepage list all of my writings.  Any feedback or comment, pls. share with me.  I also like writing letter ..he..he..                       More on me.

  My IT Articles

Development of Expert System for Performance Determination of Agroindustrial Enterprise

Software Engineer as A Profession

Database Design to Support Defect Prevention in Software Process

Introduction to VMS Operating System

Pelayanan e-Bulletin: Meningkatkan Peran PDII-LIPI dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Internet

Contoh Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pemesanan di Industri Manufaktur dengan Unified Modelling Language

Kasus Estimasi Kapasitas B-to-C di e-buyPC.com

The Implementation Strategy for Outsourcing Strategic Application Development 

e-Batam: Sebuah Pemikiran

STRUCTURE makes Regression Testing Easy


  My Social Articles

Meluruskan Informasi Sepihak Iklan Deterjen

Pendidikan dan Demokrasi


  My Books

Analisa-Disain dan Pemrograman Berorientasi Obyek dengan UML dan Visual Basic .NET

Membuat Home Page: Langkah demi Langkah dengan contoh (under construction)


  My Short Stories

Kodok Penyanyi

Natal Pertamaku



General Training logoTraining Session with GENERAL TRAINING CENTER 

Available courses:

  • Analisa-Disain dan Pemrograman Berorientasi Obyek dengan UML dan Java

  • Komputer Akutansi dengan MYOB Accounting

  • Pembuatan Web dengan HTML /DHTML dan Scripting

homepage: www.oocities.org/generaltc1

email:  generaltc@hotmail.com 



I can also help you for consultation.   Maybe: 
  • you are confuse to choose which accounting software is suitable for your business organization
  • you have no idea how to make your business process more efficient
  • you want to implement computerized information system in your organization
  • or you want to make a website

Just email me .. then we can have a deal later ... 

My Daugther Katherine my daughter,
Katherine ....

My Lecture Collections


Management Information System

Information System Design

Object Oriented Method

Supply Chain Management

All are taught at Universitas International Batam


My Logo Collections

BOOKS OFFER: Books Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Buy online through Andi Publisher

Books Decision Support System

Buy online through Andi Publisher


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Copyright © 2004.  Julius Hermawan . All rights reserved.
Revised: December 20, 2003 .