Welcome to Hermies

You are now a member of Hermies Yahoo!Groups,
an online community for land hermit crab owners.


Hermies is a caring, sharing group of people from all over the world. From the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Sweden, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Singapore! Hermies is made up of a mix of new owners and seasoned ‘crabbers’, scientists, teachers, writers, artists, students – a melting pot of skills and talents that we lend to make Hermies a great community to belong to. Here you will find a place to talk about your pets, share your concerns and worries, and just enjoy interacting with like-minded people.

Playing Nice in the Sandbox:

Hermies is a G-rated list, so profanity of ANY kind is strictly forbidden. Please also remember to be kind. There is a lot of conflicting information about hermit crab care and what works for some may not work for others. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, that's why discussion forums are so interesting. However, flaming, direct attacks, ridiculing and name calling or any kind of harrassment, public or private will also not be tolerated."


The Crab Street Journal Our New Online Magazine for Hermies


Member Sites

There are over 300 members at Hermies, with over 10,000 emails sent out in the last two years alone. As you can see, Hermies is a very busy list, so if you have difficulty keeping up with the volume visit the MyGroups (1) page and change your delivery method to Daily Digest. Daily Digest bundles a day's worth of emails in one or two emails (depending on list activity) instead of an average of 30 emails daily. If you would rather not receive emails at all, you can set delivery to WebOnly via MyGroups and view the messages from the site (2).
If you are approved as a member of Hermies Yahoo!Groups, you will also be added as a member of Hermies_Messages. Hermies_Messages is a sub-group of Hermies which is purely an announcement based YahooGroup. If there are events and information that the group as a whole needs to be notified about, Hermies_Messages is the vessel. It will send to everyone who is on the current member list, whether they be receiving ‘Individual Messages’, ‘Daily Digest’ or ‘Web Only’. If you unsubscribe from Hermies_Messages you do so at the risk of not staying informed of the happenings at Hermies, such as calls for suggestions, competitions, polls and the like. We strongly suggest you stay subscribed to this low-volume announcement list, which will only be used when necessary.
There are many features to YahooGroups, including Bookmarks(3), Chat(4), Database(5), Files(6) and Messages(7). To get the most value out of Hermies I suggest you become an active contributor. Add your details to the Hermies Contact List (8) or fill out your chat names details (9) or take part in the ShellSwappers Hub(10) and swap shells you have for shells you need! As you can see, there is much to see and do here at Hermies. It is a wonderful community to belong to.

Happy Crabbing, your friendly Hermies Moderators,
Vanessa and Jenn , hermies-owner@yahoogroups.com

Group Links

1. MyGroups

2. Messages


4. Chat

5. Database

6. Files

7. Messages

8. Contact List

9. Chat Names

10. Shell Swap









