Ranma 1/2

Ranma 1/2. It goes to show what can happen with a bit of water and a few cursed springs. Just so that I don't actually attempt explaning that story, becouse that could cause all of us dizzines.... Look at the nice picture!
Notice that there are two people in the same outfit. They are both Ranma Saotome. The one with black hair and upside down is the real Ranma. He is holding a picture of the cast in their normal forms, But if you look at the wet Ranma, she (YES! I said SHE!) is holding a picture of a bunch of people with a bunch of animals. Ranma, Along with a lot of the other cast members, fell into one of the cused springs of Juseque in China. Becouse of this, everytime that one of the cursed characters gets hit with cold or room temperature water, he/she will turn into something else. Ranma will turn Female. Shampoo will turn into a cat, Moose into a duck, Ryouga, into a piglet,and, Genma, into a panda. In order for them to change back to normal they must be splashed with hot water.

I hope you can understand my attempt at a chart. This story is very funny but can get a bit confusing at times if you have no clue who the characters are and who they like.