The Hermit Crab Lovers' Site |
Welcome!This is the Hermti Crab Lovers' Site!Before you get your crabs,please make sure that you can take care of them.First is a list.If you can do all of these,a hmerit crab may be the pet for you! *A responsible person will take care of this crab. *It isn't a crabinacup *It doesn't have a painted shell *You are willing to take care of this pet no matter how much money it costs you. If you said yes to all of the above,then look further to see if it is the pet for you! _____________________________ Soft bodies: Hermit crabs have soft bodies.You have to be careful when you're handling it.If you drop it,it can get seriously injured.Also,don't take off it's shell.If it comes out of it's shell all the way,go to tells you how to get it back in without hurting it. Diet: Hermit crabs are scavengers.They eat lots fo stuff.Go to EpicureanHermit to see what you could feed them.Whatever you do,don't feed them commercial food,it has ingredients that are bad for hermit crabs.The lable may not lsit the terrible ingredient!Just don't use them. Exercise: Hermit crabs LOVE to get out of their cage.They love to play with you when they knwo you.To get them to know you,spray some dechlorinated water 0on them or blow on them to wake them up.If you keep doing this for a few months,the crab should know you enough to trust you. The Gauges: Hermit crabs have guills,so they need high humidity.You should have a humidity gauge in the crabitat.The gauge should say 73-84% humidity if it measures relative humidity(50-60% exact humidity).If the humidity keeps going down,first try a climbing background(sold in petco.)Spray it until the crabitat is a humid environment for the crab(s).If that doesn't work,get an air humidifyer. Hermit crabs need high temperatures becasue they're used to high temperatures.You'll also need a temperature gauge in your crabitat.It should be between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.They can die if it is too cold. The crabitat: A crabitat is the cage your hermit crabs will go in.It should be a 10 gallon or more aquarium with a glass lid.It keeps the humidity in that way.It can't be a wire cage because the metallic properties in the wire hurt hermit crabs. Substrate: Sand is the best substrate,although cocnut fibers(a.k.a. eco-earth,hemrit soil, or forest bedding) is great.Hermit crabs need to dig to molt and destressYou should put 4 inches more than your biggest crab's height at least.More stuff about the crabitat will be mentioned soon. Painted shells: Painted shells are bad for hermit crabs.You shouldn't have them for hermit crabs.The painted chips off and the crab eats it.It makes the hermit crab sick.Also,the hermit crab chews off some of its shell to make sure it fits right.Don't use painted shells. Crabinacups: Crabinacups are bad because the hermit crab in it doesn't have enough room,doesn't have enough clean water,and only gets fed once a night.That causes stress.Stress kills hermit crabs. Molting: Hemrit crabs need to molt to grow.When molting,they're under lots of stress,so don' bother them.They need to be seperated from other hermit crabs.More info about molting at Shells: Hermit crabs switch shells when they've outgrown them.REad more about switcing shells at Decorations: all decorations must NOT contain any metal or wire in them because the metallic properties hurt them.Hermit crabs like to climb.Plants and climbing backgrounds let them climb as much as they like.Remember,hermit crabs are scavengers.They might eat the decorations if they liek the smell of it. When a hermit crab pinches: Most of a time when hermit crabs pinch,they let go.If they don't,however,you should run warm water over it.Not too hot,but no too old.If you rip it off and it was holding you very hard,you can not only hurt yourself,but the hermit crab as well,so be careful when you rip a hermit crab off you.If the hermit crab is unfriendly,only hold it by the shell until it trusts you. Think you could have a hermit crab?If so,you can now get one,since you now know lots about them now.Don't forget to visit the other linsk for more info. If you already bought the hermit crab and can't provide proper care,give it up for adoption on the hermit crab association. ______________________________ Want the hermit crab newspaper?Then e-mail If you want to add or correct information,please e-mail the e-mail address on this page.If you have your own hermit crab website,submit it. |
This is the place 2 be if you love hermit crabs! |
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Angela |
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Hermit crabs can't have chlorine water because it stings their gills and causes stress |
More Crabby Info: |
There are more than 1 type of hermit crab.Some types of hermit crabs are: USA(may be sold in other countries,too): Strawberry Purple Pincher Ruggie Indo Ecuadorian Austrailia-only: Crazy crab Other: Blueberry There's a link on the HCA(hemrit crab association) that tells you what kind of crab you've got.Not all types there.Soem species need specific care. |
Hermit crabs like to go outside on days that the weather is good.While your crab ios outside,make sure that there are no bugs near the crab.Keep a close eye on it.Remember,it could get lost. |
Bath your hermit crabs once a month.For bathign instructions,go to . |
There should be a link to the petition against crabinacups somewhere on the HCA |
Yahoo Group: | 2006 |