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I felt Sahaja Yoga as something of my inner self
The Founder of Sahaja Yoga
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Founder of Sahaja Yoga

Health recovery through Sahaja Yoga meditation

by Ileana V. Rabega

I remember it was in autumn, seven years ago, when I came to Sahaja Yoga. I had a chronic allergic rhinitis then. Anyway, I didn't come to Sahaja Yoga because of that, but because I couldn't, until then get closer to God. I felt Sahaja Yoga as something of my inner self, coping with my inner beliefs, so I decided to give it a try.

I have been treating my rhinitis for about 15 years, but the results could hardly be noticed, so I stopped all the treatments. I was just tired with those everlasting (it seemed so to me) injections and medicines I had to take, so I gave them all up. I used to be rather resigned about it. It was difficult, if not impossible, for me to smell a flower, to walk in the grass, during spring and summer time without sneezing for fifty, sixty times successively. It was like I had to pass spring and summertime with minimum possible interference with nature. It's so difficult, though!

I began Sahaja Yoga meditation, participating in the collective meetings and enjoying the Bliss of Divine Vibrations by the Grace of Shri Mataji, so much that I forgot about my illness. Six months later, in spring, I was invited to participate in a Sahaja Yoga seminar, that lasted for three days. Suddenly, I realized that I can smell flowers, I can walk in the grass and I can directly enjoy nature. Nothing whatsoever reminded me of my previous state. It seemed that all I had faced, all that suffering was felt by another person, not by me. I didn't take any medicine; it was through meditation, I overcome that previous suffering. As if, coming into Sahaj world, all the Bliss cleansed my illnesses, bad moods and gave me hope for better times.

I am now regularly practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation. And it's not because in this way I got rid of an illness, but because I feel peace, quietness in my inner self almost all the time. Sometimes, when I have to cope with difficult moments, that all of us might be confronted with, it's easier for me to surpass them now than before Sahaja Yoga.

I read some web sites saying bad things about Sahaja Yoga and its founder, Shri Mataji. I felt those people, after missing some spiritual experience want all other people to miss it. I know that spirituality is not meant for all of us. Each person has his/her own way of feeling and understanding spirituality. And no one can prevent others to have or not have their experiences.

I feel I'm fully responsible to encourage other people that might read this web page to get closer to Sahaja Yoga and give it a try. Who knows, it could give you what you have been seeking for a long time, just think of it!

21st of December, 2001

Ileana V. Rabega, 46 yrs, mathematician, Romanian, living now in Colombia, South America