Whoot! Moving Day!

Okay, peoples, the new site is not fully operational, but enough that a move up there is feasable. ^-^ Most of the IC boards are up, and I think I can get the OOC boards up over the weekend. As for the info pages... those are coming along slowly but surely. So all current players please check out the new site and continue posting there (note: Tsugie, my posts are on the barracks and streets boards at Terilani). Also, current players, please check the member page - if your character is not there, or if their info page is not completely filled out, please send me the missing info immediately or you will have to rejoin.

As for new members/possible joiners, please hang tight a little longer. ^-^ We're not quite ready for new members yet, but it shouldn't be that long.

And now I present to you the new version of Hero's Quest...

Hero's Quest: Dividing Lines

Please update your favorites, dears. ^-^ Love you all. ~Aubrey