Real Name: Nelson Drew
Notable Aliases: None
Occupation: Chemistry Teacher, Science Hero
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Status: Active
Base of Operation: Washington D.C.
Group Affiliations: S.M.A. S.H. (Society of Modern American Science Heroes)
Other Affiliations: None
First Appearance: Exciting Comics #15

History: Professor Nelson Drew was a chemistry teacher for Claflin University. He discovered an ancient Egyptian formula called Lamesis. Upon drinking the magical potion, Drew’s body metamorphoses with incredible strength and speed. Drew became The Liberator and fought nazi saboteurs and injustice in WWII. During that time he became a member of S.M.A.S.H. A close friend to Drew, Annabel Evans, who didn’t know he was The Liberator, often wound up in his adventurous exploits.

In 1969 an alien menace invaded Earth. Attempting to stop the alien, some members of S.M.A.S.H. were killed while others were imprisoned in suspended animation. The Liberator was one of those imprisoned. He was freed thirty years later by Tom Strange and his counterpart, Tom Strong. The Liberator, like the other science heroes had to readjust to the current time period. The adjustment period took its toll on S.M.A.S.H. and the team disbanded.

Three years later a new threat arose and the government called in former members of S.M.A.S.H. for help. Drew was one of them that answered the call. While heading to the nexus of energy field that made all technology useless, some of Drew’s teammates lost their powers. It was determined the expanding energy field affected science based heroes. With Scarab and himself being magical based heroes, they proceeded on without the others. During their investigation they discover DR. X had killed the American Eagle and Eaglet. Dr. X escapes before they could do anything. The threat was revealed to be the one-time hero Mystico, who was forced to end his god-like plans. With the crisis averted The Liberator joined the newly assembled S.M.A.S.H. He continues to be a valued member to this day.

Powers: By imbibing a secret chemical potion, once known by the ancient Egyptians as Lamesis, The Liberator gains super-human strength and speed.

Appearances: Golden Age Modern
Exciting Comics # 15-30, 34, 35
America’s Best Comics # 1, 3-5, 8
Tom Strong # 12
Terra Obscura Vol.1 # 3-6
Terra Obscura Vol.2 # 4, 5
ABC A-Z: Terra Obscura/ Splash Brannigan